Old Quotes

Text Quotes
To the psychotherapist an old man who cannot bid farewell to life appears as feeble and sickly as a young man who is unable to embrace it (Old Quotes)
Orthodoxy: That peculiar condition where the patient can neither eliminate an old idea nor absorb a new one (Old Quotes)
Recall the old story of the rather refined young man who preferred sex dreams to visiting brothels because he met a much nicer type of girl that way (Old Quotes)
An old dog, even more than an old spouse, always feels like doing what you feel like doing (Old Quotes)
Never give up an old tried friend, who has waded through all manner of toil, for your sake, and throw him away because fools may tell you he has some faults (Old Quotes)
I wish they'd had electric guitars in cotton fields back in the good old days. A whole lot of things would've been straightened out (Old Quotes)
In insisting, for political purposes, on a sharp division between gay and straight, gay activism, like much of feminism, has become as rigid and repressive as the old order it sought to replace (Old Quotes)
Hey Joe, I said where you goin' with that gun in your hand? I'm goin' down to shoot my old lady, caught her messin' around with another man (Old Quotes)
That's the thing about people you loved. They disappeared on you. I didn't know much at the ripe old age of fifteen and a half. But, for better or worse, I knew that (Old Quotes)
My grandma Ruthie, Jettie's sister, had been married four times, so many times I started calling every old man I saw at the grocery store Grandpa (Old Quotes)
Keep unscathed the good name; keep out of peril the honor without which even your battered old soldier who is hobbling into his grave on half - pay and a wooden leg would not change with Achilles (Old Quotes)
The novel can't compete with cars, the movies, television, and liquor. A guy who's had a good feed and tanked up on good wine gives his old lady a kiss after supper and his day is over. Finished (Old Quotes)
Are you like an enchanted thing? A damn story where some girl lets a warty old toad sleep in her shoe and in the mornin the toad's a good - lookin dude makin omelettes? (Old Quotes)
That old, cold time on the mountain when they owned the world and nothing seemed wrong (Old Quotes)
Thirty-six years old and this was the first time anybody ever said he'd done it right. Fog against the window like milk (Old Quotes)
Near the kiosk the old lady who sold refreshments seemed slowly to be gathering all the shadows of evening about her skirts (Old Quotes)
With his mouth open, he gave off that alcoholic smell that you get from an old brandy cask when you take out the bung (Old Quotes)
When I was a ten year old book worm and used to kiss the dust jacket pictures of authors as if they were icons, it used to amaze me that these remote people could provoke me to love (Old Quotes)
Writers tell stories better, because they've had more practice, but everyone has a book in them. Yes, that old cliche (Old Quotes)
Maidens who stay maidens turn into saints. Old women become sorceresses. Tough jobs, both of these (Old Quotes)
But I am wise if not yet quite old, wanting the poem more than the lover, wanting words more than the sticky dew men secrete in their private places (Old Quotes)
I'm not very good at being alive. Sometimes I despair of ever mastering it, getting it right. When I'm old, perhaps (Old Quotes)
In the bare room under the old library on the hill in the town at the tip of the small peninsula on the cold island so far from everything else, I lived among strangers and birds (Old Quotes)
You men find so many angels in your travels. You have been honester than some. You have generally been off with the old angel before you were with the new, as far at least as I knew (Old Quotes)
Men will love to the last, but they love what is fresh and new. A woman's love can live on the recollection of the past, and cling to what is old and ugly (Old Quotes)
Upon the present occasion London was full of clergymen. The specially clerical clubs, the Oxford and Cambridge, the Old University, and the Athenaeum, were black with them (Old Quotes)
The idea of putting old Browborough into prison for conduct which habit had made second nature to a large proportion of the House was distressing to Members of Parliament generally (Old Quotes)
Begin by learning to draw and paint like the old masters. After that, you can do as you like; everyone will respect you (Old Quotes)
I don't much admire your taste, my dear, because he's a hundred and fifty years old; - and what there is of him comes chiefly from the tailor (Old Quotes)
You Ministers go on shuffling the old cards till they are so worn out and dirty that one can hardly tell the pips on them (Old Quotes)