Old You Quotes

Text Quotes
Maybe one day you’ll understand I don’t want nothing more than to sweetly hold your hand (Old You Quotes)
You hold your head up. You submitting to me doesn’t mean you’re anything less... the very last thing I want is for you to be some mindless puppet (Old You Quotes)
Throughout life, people will try to shake your faith in yourself. When this happens, remind yourself that the only way they can succeed is if you allow it. When you walk down the street of life, always hold your head high and keep walking. Don’t ever let anyone shake your faith in yourself, because that’s really all that you have (Old You Quotes)
And you tried to change, didn’t you? Closed your mouth more. Tried to be softer, prettier, less volatile, less awake... You can’t make homes out of human beings. Someone should have already told you that. And if he wants to leave, then let him leave. You are terrifying, and strange, and beautiful. Something not everyone knows how to love (Old You Quotes)
He doesn’t love you. But I love you. I want you to have your own thoughts and ideas and feelings, even when I hold you in my arms (Old You Quotes)
In the 8th inning you can’t hear the roar of the 9th, all you can do to hold yourself together, and trust (Old You Quotes)
If you don’t hold your team accountable then you will lose credibility and your team will be spoiled (Old You Quotes)
If you want to obtain the secrets of such wonderful techniques, drill yourself, harden yourself, undergo severe training, abandoned body and mind; follow this course for years and you will naturally reach the profoundest levels. To know if water is hot or cold you must taste it yourself (Old You Quotes)
Let go of resentment, for it will hold you back. Do not worry about what could’ve been, what is to come is what matters (Old You Quotes)
Every day you must unlearn the ways that hold you back. You must rid yourself of negativity, so you can learn to fly (Old You Quotes)
There’s a whole network of people ready to simply inculcate you and enfold you into their world and they want more and more people in their world because they are in a campaign to change everything (Old You Quotes)
It’s the sheer joy of seeing things grow and helping them to grow, even harvesting the stuff that you’ve grown yourself, no matter how old you are (Old You Quotes)
Teach your children well... and feed them on your dreams... Don’t ever ask them why. If they told you you would cry. So just look at them and sigh and know they love you (Old You Quotes)
I am waiting for the day when I will see you again and hold your soft hands, touch your sweet lips and hug you tight so that you will never leave me again (Old You Quotes)
As you get older you will gain a bit more control over everything. Don’t let anyone, even your parents, break you. Find good people who care about you and surround yourself with just them. If you can’t find them at first, find good music and fall into it, let it hold you until they come. I truly hope you enjoy the new record (Old You Quotes)
Free driving is like an extreme sports version of snorkeling,... That’s about 50 feet deep. And basically what you do is you hold your breath and you wear a weight belt and go down as fast as possible and hold your breath for minutes at a time (Old You Quotes)
I still get very excited when people say they fall in love. It doesn’t matter how old you are, falling in love is a beautiful thing. And I still act like I did when I was a teenager. I get fluttery and tap dance around. I’m never afraid of making funny faces or being completely goofy (Old You Quotes)
No matter what you do, no matter what your profession is, no matter how old you are, everybody deals with haters (Old You Quotes)
I’m not much of a revenge person, because I think when you start with revenge it cheapens what you’ve been through. My rule is to hold your head high and never stop looking that person in the eye, because they know and you know, and you’re still the professional. And they can just feel like an ass for the rest of their lives. That’s my favorite thing to do (Old You Quotes)
You’ve got to have some adversity and learn from it. I’m working hard, but I didn’t expect a cure in one day. You learn. You move on. You hold your head up. You go on to the next day (Old You Quotes)
You are quite the beauty. If no one has ever told you that before, know that right now. You are quite the beauty (Old You Quotes)
Faith is a footbridge that you don’t know will hold you up over the chasm until you’re forced to walk out onto it (Old You Quotes)
I might not of told you enough that I loved you but I didn’t expect for you to cheat, I loved you and you knew that and I still do, I might of argued with you, pushed you away but I still loved, I still do, you walk away as I cry with my hand on my chest because my heart feels like it will tear (Old You Quotes)
Don’t shut down your emotions. Embrace them. Your emotions are your internal compass telling you whether or not you are on track. Use them to help cultivate your passions or motivate you to change situations and circumstances that hold you back from achieving your goals (Old You Quotes)
I believe that you’re great, that there’s something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly, this something that is within you, this power within you that’s greater than the world, it will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you, it will clothe you, it will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence. If you let it! Now that is what I know, for sure (Old You Quotes)
The one conclusion I have reached is that whiskey is a great leveler. You might be a hotshot advertising executive or a lowly foundry worker, but if you cannot hold your drink, you are just a drunkard (Old You Quotes)
Come close to me baby. Let your love hold you. I know this world is crazy, but what’s it without you? (Old You Quotes)
Every time somebody ever told you that you weren’t gonna amount to anything, you know, that’s your time to shine, you know? You can show everybody and prove to yourself what you’re doing is real and that it counts and that it makes a difference (Old You Quotes)
I see you over there, just clinging to the wall. Because they told you like ivy you were bound to crawl. But you kept looking up, girl, and I know why. You knew someday you were gonna touch the sky (Old You Quotes)
Sit tall in the saddle and hold your head up high. Keep your eyes fixed where the trailmeets the sky, and live like you ain’t afraid to die. Don’t be scared... just enjoy the ride (Old You Quotes)