Older Quotes

Text Quotes
The older you get, the more you should learn to love life and appreciate the beauty that comes with age (Older Quotes)
You have to embrace getting older. Life is precious, and when you’ve lost a lot of people, you realize that each day is a gift (Older Quotes)
Taking risks in older age is more courageous because you have more to lose. When you have nothing, you have nothing to lose (Older Quotes)
I was looking in the mirror the other day and I realized I haven’t changed much since I was in my twenties. The only difference is I look a whole lot older now (Older Quotes)
As one grows older one must try not to work oneself to death unnecessarily. At least that’s how it is with me... I can scarcely keep pace and must watch out that the creative forces do not chase me around the universe in a wallop (Older Quotes)
My heartfelt wish for you: as you get older, your self will diminish and you will grow in love (Older Quotes)
I wonder if one of the penalties of growing older is that you become more and more conscious that nothing is very permanent (Older Quotes)
If you’re blessed enough to grow older, which is how I look at aging, there’s so much wisdom to be gained from people who are celebrating the process with vibrancy and vigor and grace (Older Quotes)
A society that does not value its older people denies its roots and endangers its future. Let us strive to enhance their capacity to support themselves for as long as possible and, when they cannot do so anymore, to care for them (Older Quotes)
The older I get the more secrets I have, never to be revealed and this, I know, is a common condition of people my age. and why all this emphasis on kissing and telling? Kisses are the least of it (Older Quotes)
Somehow, we have to get older people back close to growing children if we are to restore a sense of community, acquire knowledge of the past, and provide a sense of the future (Older Quotes)
As you get older, don’t slow down. Speed up. There’s less time left! (Older Quotes)
What do we older folks live for if not for the care of the young, to teach and train them? (Older Quotes)
The first duty of the educator, whether he is involved with the newborn infant or the older child, is to recognize the human personality of the young being and respect it (Older Quotes)
Act your age don’t pretend to be older than you are give yourself time to grow (Older Quotes)
As you get older, you have your tribe of women that you grow and age gracefully with and you share wisdom with. That’s your clan. That’s your family. That’s your strength (Older Quotes)
The important thing about women today is, as they get older, they still keep house. It’s one reason why they don’t die, but men die when they retire. Women just polish the teacups (Older Quotes)
As long as possible, I would really like to complete one marathon per year. Though my time has been slowing down as I get older, it has become a very important part of my life (Older Quotes)
One of the best ways to realize that age is an illusion is to have your body get older and realize that you are who you always have been (Older Quotes)
As we grow older I always think, why didn’t I do more when I was young, why didn’t I risk more? (Older Quotes)
As people get older, we all know, you get married and you have a child and that becomes your family, but when you’re 16 years old, especially, your family is your friends (Older Quotes)
As I get older, I don’t aggressively pursue songs. All the great ones just appear (Older Quotes)
As I get older I realize what qualities are important in love and what suits me. And what I won’t settle for (Older Quotes)
We grow older, but we do not change. We become more sophisticated, but at bottom we continue to resemble our young selves, eager to listen to the next story and the next, and the next (Older Quotes)
The older you get, the few slumber parties there are, and I hate that. I liked slumber parties. What happened to them? (Older Quotes)
As I got older, with my work, I became aware of the responsibility of film, and I feel one of the best ways I can apply myself as an actor, is to go beyond movie stardom and celebrity (Older Quotes)
I would love to continue in music, with writing... but I am not the kind of person who will hang around if I start to become irrelevant. If that happens, I will bow down gracefully, raise my kids, and have a garden. And I am going to let my hair go gray when I am older. I don’t need to be blonde when I’m 60! (Older Quotes)
Most men experience getting older with regret, apprehension. But most women experience it even more painfully: with shame. Aging is a man’s destiny, something that must happen because he is a human being. For a woman, aging is not only her destiny... it is also her vulnerability (Older Quotes)
Life is a journey up a spiral staircase; as we grow older we cover the ground covered we have covered before, only higher up; as we look down the winding stair below us we measure our progress by the number of places where we were but no longer are. The journey is both repetitious and progressive; we go both round and upward (Older Quotes)
I dreamed of being an actress when I was a little kid because you don’t know then that the writer writes everything the actor is saying. But as I got older, I got into college and became more aware that writing is another option, and I started getting into it, too (Older Quotes)