Older Quotes

Text Quotes
I know from my own parents how important active older people are to a local community (Older Quotes)
All of our heroes did silly stuff early and got more serious as time went on. Steve Martin, Adam Sandler, Bill Murray. They got older, wiser, and made different choices. (Older Quotes)
Unfortunately, many young believers - and some older ones, too - do not know that there will be times in every person’s life when circumstances don’t add up - when God doesn’t appear to make sense. This aspect of the Christian faith is not well advertised. (Older Quotes)
Thank God we’re not like America. Everyone wants to look like they’re 20. In Europe we admire grown-up women; I think men revere older women. (Older Quotes)
When I look at women, older than I am, in their 50s, 60, 70s, 80s, and I see women that I admire, I think, ‘Oh, I get it; that’s how I’m going to be.’ I’m not scared. I want to be that. (Older Quotes)
The world keeps moving, the world keeps turning, and people get older, and young people become older and more important and cooler and interesting, and actually staying the same becomes a liability, especially in the advertising industry. (Older Quotes)
My mentors in life are much older than me and have been through life. They can actually give me some sound advice on what I’m going through. (Older Quotes)
As one gets older, one can get tired. But only when your heart gives out does your strength give in. For me, all this is an affair of the heart. (Older Quotes)
A lot of us are ruled by fear during our lives - afraid we’ll get burgled, afraid a dog will bite us, afraid we’ll get fat, afraid someone will leave us. Once you lose fear, life becomes sweeter, and that happens as you get older. I’m sure by the time I’m 80, I’ll be able to do absolutely anything! (Older Quotes)
Societies as well as people become afraid of change as they grow older. It’s human nature. The young have adventures while the old sit at home and nurture their memories. (Older Quotes)
I don’t feel bad or scared about getting older in terms of my looks or anything like that. I’m not afraid of my face changing. I enjoy seeing my face change. I think it’s really interesting. I wouldn’t want to have same face for my whole life. It would be boring to look at the same face in the mirror for 80 years. (Older Quotes)
I was afraid of being a failure, of not having the best time or of being chicken. But every year I get older I think, What was I fearing last year?’ You forget. And then you move on. (Older Quotes)
I feel alive, fit and active. I have no plans for retirement. My only concession to getting a little older is that I like to have a cat-nap in the afternoon. After that, I can push on through anything. (Older Quotes)
Women are usually only interesting to studio executives when they are fecund, between the ages of 15 and 30. I decided to get through the really tough patch, around 50, by just cutting my price and playing ten years older. I didn’t want to have to wait until I was an old lady to play one. (Older Quotes)
Most people feel younger than their age, but the culture values youth, success, beauty, productivity. There is no space in this culture for older people. (Older Quotes)
I am lucky, I don’t have aches and pains. I do Pilates regularly, which is a series of stretching exercises, and I recommend it to anyone of my age because the temptation is not to exercise when you get older. Well, you should. (Older Quotes)
I started golfing at a young age, and growing up with two older brothers, it made me mature a lot younger. (Older Quotes)
If you are fortunate in life, age and knowledge breed compassion. And as I have gotten older, I came to understand, that a person’s sexual orientation has absolutely nothing to do with their ability to be a good parent. (Older Quotes)
That’s what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age. (Older Quotes)
I know that might sound silly coming from someone my age, but I remember on my 14th birthday having a crisis like my mom should be having. I kept thinking that I was getting older, and I haven’t really accomplished anything. I remember thinking that I better accomplish something real soon. (Older Quotes)
I grew up in a show business family, so we’ve always had a great sense of balance, being so close to my parents. I’ve always known what is and isn’t reality. Even my older brothers’ early success 10 years ago didn’t change me since there was such an age difference. I was moving about with my own gang, the skinheads, wearing steel-toed army boots and kicking in shop windows. (Older Quotes)
I’ve dated men my age, younger than me and older. The only difference is the young ones are quicker at taking out the garbage. (Older Quotes)
I’d date someone younger or older; age doesn’t matter to me. Or looks, really - it’s all about maturity. (Older Quotes)
I’ve always played way older than my age. It’s the experience behind my eyes or something. (Older Quotes)
If players are performing for you, their age shouldn’t really matter, especially because the older players can bring their experience to the table. (Older Quotes)
I’m not afraid to play my age. I never was. I’ve never been an ingenue. I like getting older. (Older Quotes)
I really love cursing a lot. But as I get older, I realize it’s a little unseemly for women of a certain age. (Older Quotes)
Though women begin their lives more fulfilled than men, as they age, they gradually become less happy. Men, in contrast, get happier as they get older. (Older Quotes)
It’s getting better but men still earn more and there are more jobs for them. Ageism is a big thing. Parts for women disappear as you get older. (Older Quotes)
As time goes by and you’re getting older and stuff like that - getting older sucks. You know, I hear all this crap about, ‘Oh, you can age with dignity.’ Really? (Older Quotes)