Omar Khayyam Quotes

Text Quotes
The worldly hope men set their hearts upon turns ashes - or it prospers; and anon, like snow upon the desert's dusty face, lighting a little hour or two - is gone (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Come, fill the cup, and in the fire of spring your winter - garment of repentance fling: the bird of time bas but a little way to flutter - and the bird is on the wing (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Now the new year reviving old desires, the thoughtful soul to solitude retires, where the white hand of moses on the bough puts out, and Jesus from the ground suspires (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
And, as the cock crew, those who stood before the tavern shouted - open then the door! You know how little while we have to stay, and, once departed, may return no more (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Before the phantom of false morning died, methought a voice within the tavern cried, when all the temple is prepared within, why nods the drowsy worshipper outside? (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Wake! For the sun, who scatter'd into flight the stars before him from the field of night, drives night along with them from heav'n, and strikes the sultan's turret with a shaft of light (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Drink! For you know not whence you came nor why: drink! For you know not why you go, nor where (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
And fear not lest existence closing your account should lose or know the type no more: the eternal saki from that bowl has poured millions of bubbles like us and will pour (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
You know, my friends, with what a brave carouse I made a Second Marriage in my house; favored old barren reason from my bed, and took the daughter of the vine to spouse (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
I must abjure the balm of life, I must, scared by some after - reckoning ta'en on trust, or lured with hope of some diviner drink, to fill the cup - when crumbled into dust! (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Myself when young did eagerly frequent doctor and saint, and heard great argument about it and about: but evermore came out by the same door as in I went (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
And this I know: whether the one true light kindle to love, or wrath - consume me quite, one flash of it within the tavern caught better than in the temple lost outright (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
The vine had struck a fibre: which about if clings my being - let the dervish flout; of my base metal may be filed a key, that shall unlock the door he howls without (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
With earth's first clay they did the last man knead, and there of the last harvest sow'd the seed: and the first morning of creation wrote what the last dawn of reckoning shall read (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
And that inverted bowl they call the sky, whereunder crawling coop'd we live and die, lift not your hands to it for help - for it as impotently moves as you or I (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
The ball no question makes of ayes and noes, but here or there as strikes the player goes; and he that toss'd you down into the field, he knows about it all - he knows - he knows! (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
We are no other than a moving row of magic shadow - shapes that come and go round with the sun - illumined lantern held in midnight by the master of the show (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Heav'n but the vision of fulfill'd desire, and hell the shadow from a soul on fire, cast on the darkness into which ourselves, so late emerged from, shall so soon expire (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
The revelations of devout and learn'd who rose before us, and as prophets burn'd, are all but stories, which, awoke from sleep, they told their comrades, and to sleep return'd (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Oh, threats of hell and hopes of paradise! One thing at least is certain - this life flies; one thing is certain and the rest is lies; the flower that once has blown for ever dies (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Oh, thou, who didst with pitfall and with gin beset the road I was to wander in, thou wilt not with predestined evil round enmesh, and then impute my fall to sin! (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Why, be this juice the growth of God, who dare blaspheme the twisted tendril as a snare? A blessing, we should use it, should we not? And if a curse - why, then, who set it there? (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
The grape that can with logic absolute the two and seventy jarring sects confute: the sovereign alchemist that in a trice life's leaden metal into gold transmute (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
For is and is - not though with rule and line and up and down by logic I define, of all that one should care to fathom, was never deep in anything but - wine (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Waste not your hour, nor in the vain pursuit of this and that endeavour and dispute; better be jocund with the fruitful grape than sadden after none, or bitter, fruit (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
But if in vain, down on the stubborn floor of earth, and up to heav'n's unopening door you gaze today, while you are you - how then tomorrow, you when shall be you no more? (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
A moment guess'd - then back behind the fold immerst of darkness round the drama roll'd which, for the pastime of eternity, he doth himself contrive, enact, behold (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Whose secret presence, through creation's veins running quicksilver - like eludes your pains; taking all shapes from mah to mahi; and they change and perish all - but he remains (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
A hair perhaps divides the false and true; yes; and a single alif were the clue - could you but find it - to the treasure-house, and peradventure to the master too (Omar Khayyam Quotes)
Would you that spangle of existence spend about the secret - quick about it, friend! A hair perhaps divides the false and true - and upon what, prithee, may life depend? (Omar Khayyam Quotes)