On The Other Hand Quotes

Text Quotes
Your life experience will never far exceed the expectations of your peers, because to stay connected to them there is an unconscious contract that says we’re going to be within this range of each other. Now, on the other hand, if for some reason your friends have a higher expectation for life than you do, just to stay on the team you’ve got to raise your standard (On The Other Hand Quotes)
Success is created through the performance of a few small daily disciplines that stack up over time to produce achievements far beyond anything you could of ever planned for. Failure, on the other hand, is just as easy to slip into. Failure’s is nothing more than the inevitable outcome of a few small acts of daily neglect performed consistently over time so that they take you past the point of no return (On The Other Hand Quotes)
On the other hand, I view the whole matter from a cosmic perspective. I don’t take a position. I believe that there are no more positions to take, no certainties, no facts. Many people find this confusing about my films; they say I am hiding out behind irony. But from a cosmic viewpoint, it is eternally unimportant whether one lives or not (On The Other Hand Quotes)
Mentally, physically and emotionally we are the same. We each have the potential to good and bad and to be overcome by disturbing emotions such as anger, fear, hatred, suspicion and greed. These emotions can be the cause of many problems. On the other hand if you cultivate loving kindness, compassion and concern for others, there will be no room for anger, hatred and jealousy (On The Other Hand Quotes)
A wife, if she is very generous, may allow that her husband lives up to perhaps eighty percent of her expectations. There is always the other twenty percent that she would like to change, and she may chip away at it for the whole of their married life without reducing it by very much. She may, on the other hand, simply decide to enjoy the eighty percent, and both of them will be happy (On The Other Hand Quotes)
The compassion we feel normally is biased and mixed with attachment. Genuine compassion flows towards all living beings, particularly your enemies. If I try to develop compassion towards my enemy, it may not benefit him directly, he may not even be aware of it. But it will immediately benefit me by calming my mind. On the other hand, if I dwell on how awful everything is, I immediately lose my peace of mind (On The Other Hand Quotes)
The greatest wisdom is to make the enjoyment of the present the supreme object of life; because that is the only reality, all else being merely the play of thought. On the other hand, such a course might just as well be called the greatest folly: for that which in the next moment exists no more, and vanishes utterly, like a dream, can never be worth a serious effort (On The Other Hand Quotes)
Some people read business books looking for confirmation. I read them in search of disquiet. Confirmation is cheap, easy and ineffective. Restlessness and the scientific method, on the other hand, create a culture of testing and inquiry that can’t help but push you forward (On The Other Hand Quotes)
Art creates an incomparable and unique effect, and, having done so, passes on to other things. Nature, upon the other hand, forgetting that that imitation can be made the sincerest form of insult, keeps on repeating this effect until we all become absolutely wearied of it (On The Other Hand Quotes)
Until you have the inner discipline that brings calmness of mind, external facilities and conditions will never bring the joy and happiness you seek. On the other hand, if you possess this inner quality, calmness of mind, a degree of stability within, even if you lack the various external factors that you would normally require to be happy, it will still be possible to live a happy and joyful life (On The Other Hand Quotes)
If your mental attitude is positive, even when threats abound, you won’t lose your inner peace. On the other hand, if your mind is negative, marked by fear, suspicion and feelings of helplessness, even among your best friends, in a pleasant atmosphere and comfortable surroundings, you won’t be happy (On The Other Hand Quotes)
I have no theory about dreams. I do not know how dreams arise. On the other hand, I know that if we meditate on a dream sufficiently long and thoroughly – if we take the boat with us and turn it over and over – something almost always comes out of it (On The Other Hand Quotes)
With savages, the weak in body or mind are soon eliminated. We civilized men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination. We build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed and the sick. Thus the weak members of civilized societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. Hardly anyone is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed (On The Other Hand Quotes)
It’s a disappointment to lose key players. On the other hand it creates an opportunity to play other players (On The Other Hand Quotes)
You need help when you’re starting out. On the other hand, some people are very naturalistic to begin with (On The Other Hand Quotes)
On one hand, to be able to go from one direction in the sky to study such an object to another direction to study another object, and on the other hand to be able to maintain accurately the position in space (On The Other Hand Quotes)
So, hitchcock wouldn’t say anything about my work in the movie but, on the other hand, he wouldn’t complain, either (On The Other Hand Quotes)
But, on the other hand, the occasional and precarious dripping of coppers has by no means a genial effect (On The Other Hand Quotes)
Television is a powerful medium that has to be used for something better than sitcoms and police shows. On the other hand, if you don’t recognize the forces that play on what people watch and what they don’t then you’re a fool and you should be in a different business (On The Other Hand Quotes)
Liberalism, on the other hand, regards life as an adventure in which we must take risks in new situations, in which there is no guarantee that the new will always be the good or the true, in which progress is a precarious achievement rather than inevitability (On The Other Hand Quotes)
The verbal interpretation, on the other hand, i. E. The metaphysics of quantum physics, is on far less solid ground. In fact, in more than forty years physicists have not been able to provide a clear metaphysical model (On The Other Hand Quotes)
It’s better to have done because then you know what the player is going through and you understand the pressure, but then on the other hand I know a lot of people that were good players but not good coaches, and vice versa (On The Other Hand Quotes)
On the one hand, there is no reason that a black person needs to live a portion of his or her life being concerned about the people of color around him. On the other hand, if you don’t you’re crazy (On The Other Hand Quotes)
Now on the other hand, if someone is selling a product, opening a dance studio, or has some other aim to help themselves, then I tend to look askance at some of these strange stories from outer space (On The Other Hand Quotes)
On the one hand I wonder, was this really my story to tell? On the other hand, I just wanted the story to be told. But the truth is that I didn’t think anybody was going to read it (On The Other Hand Quotes)
There was obviously some people that didn’t want me there. On the other hand, many more obviously did (On The Other Hand Quotes)
Our moral virtues benefit mainly other people; intellectual virtues, on the other hand, benefit primarily ourselves; therefore the former make us universally popular, the latter unpopular (On The Other Hand Quotes)
If I get a parking ticket, there is always a parallel universe where I didn’t. On the other hand, there is yet another universe where my car was stolen (On The Other Hand Quotes)
The most useful thing I could do before this meeting is to keel over. On the other hand, artists are keeling over by the thousands every day and nobody seems to pay the least attention (On The Other Hand Quotes)
Killing someone is the ultimate crime, while on the other hand, killing someone in uniform is fulfillment of duty (On The Other Hand Quotes)