One of the things being in politics has taught me is that men are not a reasoned or reasonable sex

One of the things being in politics has taught me is that men are not a reasoned or reasonable sex
Being in politics has taught me many things, but one of the most striking lessons I have learned is that men are not always a reasoned or reasonable sex. In the world of politics, emotions often run high, and rationality can be thrown out the window in favor of power plays and personal agendas.One need only look at the current state of political discourse to see evidence of this. Politicians frequently resort to name-calling, mudslinging, and other tactics that have little to do with reasoned debate or logical argumentation. Instead of engaging in thoughtful discussions about policy and governance, they often prioritize winning at all costs, even if it means sacrificing integrity and honesty in the process.
This lack of reason and rationality in politics is not limited to just one gender, of course. Women can be just as guilty of succumbing to emotional impulses and irrational behavior in the political arena. However, it is often men who are at the forefront of political decision-making and who wield the most power and influence in shaping public policy.
One only needs to look at the history of politics to see countless examples of men making decisions based on ego, pride, and personal gain rather than on what is best for the greater good. From ancient rulers to modern-day politicians, the annals of political history are filled with stories of men who let their emotions cloud their judgment and lead them astray.
Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. There are men in politics who are thoughtful, rational, and principled in their decision-making. But they are often the minority, overshadowed by those who prioritize power and self-interest above all else.