One sun by day, by night ten thousand shine; and light us deep into the Deity; how boundless in magnificence and might

One sun by day, by night ten thousand shine; and light us deep into the Deity; how boundless in magnificence and might
Edward Young was a renowned English poet of the 18th century, known for his profound and contemplative works. One of his most famous pieces is the poem "Night Thoughts," in which he explores themes of mortality, spirituality, and the human experience. In this context, the line "One sun by day, by night ten thousand shine; and light us deep into the Deity; how boundless in magnificence and might" holds a deep and powerful meaning.The imagery of one sun by day and ten thousand shining by night is a reflection of the dual nature of existence. During the day, we are guided by the singular, powerful light of the sun, which provides warmth, energy, and life to the world. However, at night, when darkness falls, we are surrounded by countless stars that twinkle in the vast expanse of the sky. These stars, though individually small, together create a breathtaking display of light and beauty that can lead us to a deeper understanding of the divine.
Young suggests that just as the sun and stars illuminate the physical world, they also have the power to light us deep into the Deity. The Deity, or the divine being, is often associated with God or a higher power that transcends human understanding. By contemplating the magnificence and might of the natural world, we can catch a glimpse of the infinite and eternal nature of the Deity. The beauty and complexity of the universe can inspire awe and wonder, leading us to contemplate our place within the grand scheme of creation.
Young's words remind us of the boundless magnificence and might of the universe, and the profound connection between the physical world and the spiritual realm. Through the imagery of the sun and stars, he invites us to look beyond the surface of things and delve deeper into the mysteries of existence. In doing so, we may find solace, inspiration, and a sense of awe at the wonders of the cosmos.