One Word Quotes

Text Quotes
What’s this business of being a writer. It’s just putting one word after another (One Word Quotes)
My true program is summed up in one word: life. I expect to photograph anything suggested by that word which appeals to me (One Word Quotes)
One word, that’s all you said and something in your voice caused me to turn my head. Your smile just captured me (One Word Quotes)
All the elements of good writing depend on the writer’s skill in choosing one word instead of another (One Word Quotes)
Through one word, or seven words, or three times five, even if you investigate thoroughly myriad forms, nothing can be depended upon. Night advances, the moon glows and falls into the ocean. The black dragon jewel you have been searching for, is everywhere (One Word Quotes)
All good writing is built one good line at a time. You build a novel the same way you do a pyramid. One word, one stone at a time, underneath a full moon while the fingers bleed (One Word Quotes)
A book unwritten is a delightful universe of infinite possibilities. Set down one word, however, and it immediately becomes earthbound. Set down one sentence and it’s halfway to being just like every other bloody book that’s ever been written (One Word Quotes)
Every page was once a blank page, just as every word that appears on it now was not always there, but instead reflects the final result of countless large and small deliberations. All the elements of good writing depend on the writer’s skill in choosing one word instead of another. And what grabs and keeps our interest has everything to do with those choices (One Word Quotes)
If eskimos can come up with fifty words for snow because its a matter of life and death, why do we have just one word for love? (One Word Quotes)
The best way to keep relationships happy, healthy, and supportive can be summed up in one word: appreciation. What you appreciate, appreciates. When we demonstrate our appreciation for the support we receive from others, it reinforces that behavior and deepens our connection to them (One Word Quotes)
Whatever you want to say, there is only one word to express it, only one verb to give it movement, only one adjective to qualify it (One Word Quotes)
I’ll just say one word: Icarus. If you get it, great. If you don’t, that’s fine too. But you should probably read more (One Word Quotes)
I’ve never used one word of profanity in front of my wife, or my daughter, or my granddaughter or anybody else’s wife (One Word Quotes)
In fact, I argue that the future of advertising, whatever the technology, will be to associate each brand with one word. This is one word equity. It’s the modern equivalent of having the best site on the high street, except the location is in the mind (One Word Quotes)
For one word a man is often deemed to be wise, and for one word he is often deemed to be foolish. We should be careful indeed what we say (One Word Quotes)
What’s the matter with the world? Why, there ain’t nothing but one word wrong with everyone of us, and that’s selfishness (One Word Quotes)
Just as the witticism brings two very different real objects under one concept, the pun brings two different concepts, by the assistance of accident, under one word (One Word Quotes)
Avoid, which many grave men have not done, words taken from sacred subjects and from elevated poetry: these we have seen vilely prostituted. Avoid too the society of the barbarians who misemploy them (One Word Quotes)
There is only one word of tenderness we could say, which we have not said oftentimes before ; and there is no consolation in it. The happy never say, and never hear said, farewell (One Word Quotes)
It has been hard, I know, my daughters, but one word alone wipes out all of the hardships: love (One Word Quotes)
There is something strangely determinate and fatal about a single shot in the night. It is as if someone had cried a message to you in one word, and would not repeat it (One Word Quotes)
There is always a point in the writing of a piece when I sit in a room literally papered with false starts and cannot put one word after another and imagine that I have suffered a small stroke, leaving me apparently undamaged but actually aphasic (One Word Quotes)
We don’t have enough words for photography. Can you imagine writers having only one word for writing? (One Word Quotes)
You plant a garden one flower at a time.... You write a book one word at a time, clean a closet one shelf at a time, run a marathon one step at a time. If you feel defeated by some large task, get your spade and dig the first hole (One Word Quotes)
The difference between a calculated risk and rolling the dice can be expressed in one word: homework (One Word Quotes)
I can give advice to anyone interested in writing in one word: Read! I think it’s much more important to be a reader than to be a writer! (One Word Quotes)
I don’t mean to sound corny, but it’s one word: results. If you get results, you can get anyone (One Word Quotes)
Your own transformation will enable you to withdraw so completely from evil that you contribute to it by not one word, one thought, or one breath. This healing process is like recovering your soul (One Word Quotes)
One word, in this place, respecting asparagus. The young shoots of this plant, boiled, are the most unexceptionable form of greens with which I am acquainted (One Word Quotes)
If you had one word to describe the root of all this rage, it’s humiliation (One Word Quotes)