Open thy eyes and see what the world really is and what God; have done with vain and pleasant imaginations

Open thy eyes and see what the world really is and what God; have done with vain and pleasant imaginations
Sri Aurobindo, a renowned Indian philosopher, yogi, and poet, believed in the power of opening one's eyes to see the world as it truly is, free from the illusions of the mind. He emphasized the importance of transcending the limitations of the ego and connecting with the divine consciousness that permeates all of creation. In his teachings, Sri Aurobindo encouraged individuals to go beyond the surface level of reality and delve deeper into the spiritual essence of existence.The quote "Open thy eyes and see what the world really is and what God; have done with vain and pleasant imaginations" reflects Sri Aurobindo's call to awaken to the truth of our existence and to recognize the hand of the divine in all aspects of life. He believed that by letting go of our attachment to fleeting pleasures and superficial desires, we can tap into a higher level of consciousness that is in alignment with the divine will.
Sri Aurobindo's philosophy is rooted in the idea that each individual has the potential to evolve spiritually and realize their true nature as a divine being. By opening our eyes to the reality of the world and shedding our illusions, we can begin to see the interconnectedness of all things and understand the deeper purpose behind our experiences.