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The thing that helped me get into the film business was that I went to school in Athens, Georgia and managed to get on, um, working on music videos for a band called R. E. M. And that kind of opened up a lot of doors for me (Opened Quotes)
The flowers that sleep by night, opened their gentle eyes and turned them to the day. The light, creation's mind, was everywhere, and all things owned its power (Opened Quotes)
Michael is a funny character, for whom I have a great deal of affection. He sat across his desk and seemed to be a bit of a blunt fellow. We began talking about the characters and he opened up about his vision (Opened Quotes)
Being a celebrity has taught me to hide, but being an actor has opened my soul (Opened Quotes)
At the time it seriously troubled me, but in drafting me as Marshall Plan Administrator, president Truman did as great a favor for me as one man can do for another. It opened my eyes to many things of which I was totally unaware and it was the beginning of my real education (Opened Quotes)
The last time money left the art world, intrepid types maxed out their credit cards and opened galleries, and a few of them have become the best in the world (Opened Quotes)
Thoughts come into our minds by avenues which we never left open, and thoughts go out of our minds through avenues which we never voluntarily opened (Opened Quotes)
For if in any manner we can stimulate this instinct, new passages are opened for us into nature, the mind flows into and through things hardest and highest, and the metamorphosis is possible (Opened Quotes)
Seek in reading and thou shalt find in meditation; knock in prayer and it shall be opened in contemplation (Opened Quotes)
Seek by reading and you will find by meditating. Knock by praying, and it will be opened to you in contemplation (Opened Quotes)
This new consensus seemed so compelling that Ernst Mayr, the dean of modern Darwinians, opened the ashcan of history for a deposit of Geoffrey's ideas about anatomical unity (Opened Quotes)
I walked 500 miles just to see a halo, when I opened my eyes I was blind as can be (Opened Quotes)
In the secret courts of men's hearts Atticus had no case. Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella Ewell opened her mouth and screamed (Opened Quotes)
I took the volume to a table, opened it's soft, ivory pages... and fell into it as into a pool during dry season (Opened Quotes)
In hell there’s a big hotel where the bar just closed and the windows never opened. No phone so you can’t call home, and the TV works, but the clicker is broken (Opened Quotes)
The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun (Opened Quotes)
If I had my life to live over again, I would ask that not a thing be changed, but that my eyes be opened wider (Opened Quotes)
It was too much work to remember things you might not have again, and so one by one they opened up their hands and let them go (Opened Quotes)
A lawyer I once knew told me of a strange case, a suffragette who had never married. After her death, he opened her trunk and discovered 50 wedding gowns (Opened Quotes)
As an actor, I’ve grown considerably. It’s taken me years to get comfortable doing a romantic scene and dancing on stage in front of a live audience. I’ve really opened up a lot (Opened Quotes)
Beauty opened all the doors; it got me things I didn’t even know I wanted, and things I certainly didn’t deserve (Opened Quotes)
Find what’s hot, find what’s just opened and then look for the worst review of the week. There is so much to learn from watching a restaurant getting absolutely panned and having a bad experience. Go and see it for yourself (Opened Quotes)
From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. But when books are opened you discover that you have wings (Opened Quotes)
I would rather drudge out my life on a cotton plantation, till the grave opened to give me rest, than to live with an unprincipled master and a jealous mistress (Opened Quotes)
No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by agreement or by emotional appeal (Opened Quotes)
The inventions and the great discoveries have opened up whole continents to reciprocal communication and interchange, provided we are willing (Opened Quotes)
Country radio went through a time where they were trying to pigeonhole everybody, and trying to make the gap really narrow, and I think that they’ve opened that up a little bit (Opened Quotes)
I think the solo playing, the decision to start playing solo, came out of having discovered what lay behind the doors that that technique opened for me (Opened Quotes)
The door might not be opened to a woman again for a long, long time, and I had a kind of duty to other women to walk in and sit down on the chair that was offered, and so establish the right of others long hence and far distant in geography to sit in the high seats (Opened Quotes)
I opened my own restaurant when I was 17. I went broke, then traveled around the country, learning about different kinds of foods, had three other restaurants that went broke. It didn’t all start just a few years ago! (Opened Quotes)