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Internet marketing entrepreneurs have truly opened my eyes to just how important a quick turnaround time can be. Often times, an interview they conduct with me today is online by the next morning. The interviewee is then able to start making money less than 24 hours after the initial interview (Opened Quotes)
I don’t believe in inspiration. I believe in work, because while one works one’s creativity is opened (Opened Quotes)
He leaned forward and opened his door, politely standing aside to let me by before following me in. There are some advantages to dating a guy from another era, I thought. Though I am a big believer in gender equality, chivalry scores high in my book (Opened Quotes)
When at last I took the time to look into the heart of a flower, it opened up a whole new world; a world where every country walk would be an adventure, where every garden would become an enchanted one (Opened Quotes)
And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened (Opened Quotes)
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain (Opened Quotes)
When I finally realized that I didn’t want to be a butch, I wanted to sleep with a butch, a whole new world opened up before my eyes (Opened Quotes)
That was the worst thing about having a relationship with someone, even a pretend relationship. You opened up, let someone in, and when it was over, they had all the ammunition they needed to completely destroy you (Opened Quotes)
Actions speak louder than words. Businesses must act. Once the door to social consciousness is opened, bring the spirit of your company through it to affect change (Opened Quotes)
The camp is the space that is opened when the state of exception begins to become the rule (Opened Quotes)
The more people come together, the more borders will be opened and people and opinions get together, the more unrenouncable tolerance will be a fundamental part of our social life. Without tolerance there is no religious liberty, no freedom of conscience and no freedom of thought (Opened Quotes)
For every crime that comes before him, a judge is required to complete a perfect syllogism in which the major premise must be the general law; the minor, the action that conforms or does not conform to the law; and the conclusion, acquittal or punishment. If the judge were constrained, or if he desired to frame even a single additional syllogism, the door would thereby be opened to uncertainty (Opened Quotes)
I opened fire when the whole windshield was black with the enemy... at minimum range... it doesn’t matter what your angle is to him or whether you are in a turn or any other maneuver (Opened Quotes)
I always worked in institutions, I never had a restaurant of my own before, but I have opened over 30 hotels, restaurants and casinos. I understand what it takes to keep them running (Opened Quotes)
Once the coffers of the federal government are opened to the public, there will be no shutting them again (Opened Quotes)
We’ve all heard that in life, when one door is closed, another is opened. Unfortunately, many of us are so focused on the darkness left by what has been lost, we never see the light coming through the newly opened door (Opened Quotes)
Questions of absolute good and evil are much better not opened to public debate these days, when so few people are sure of their absolutes (Opened Quotes)
I’ve always loved books. I’m passionate about them. I think books are sexy. They are smooth and solid and contain delightful surprises. They smell good. They fit into a handbag and can be carried around and opened at will. They don’t change. They are what they are and nothing else. One day I want to own a lot of books and have them nbear to me in my house, so that I can stroll to my bookshelves and choose what I fancy. I want a harem. I shall keep my favourites by my bed (Opened Quotes)
To think that someone we loved, trusted, opened our home to could do this to our daughter and granddaughter is beyond belief (Opened Quotes)
Discovering various economists, economic works, reading financial periodicals and keeping up on current events in geopolitics and economics around the world opened my eyes to many facets of how the extended order works (Opened Quotes)
Falling in love was a solo act. I knew that, had learned that the hard way. You just jumped and hoped your parachute opened. Sometimes you looked up and saw you were falling by yourself, the object of your desire still on the plane, not interested in jumping, watching you descend into that scary place alone (Opened Quotes)
What we want is clothing we think we can fly in. That’s why I opened the show with flying dresses (Opened Quotes)
As each brigade emerged from the woods, from 50 to 100 guns opened upon it, tearing great gaps in its ranks; but the heroes pressed on and were shot down by reserves at the guns. It was not war, it was murder (Opened Quotes)
The stage play is a trial, not a deed of violence. The soul is opened, like the combination of a safe, by means of a word. You don’t require an acetylene torch (Opened Quotes)
White guilt is more of a sanctioned social convention than a genuine emotional experience. It’s a form of theatrical empathy that’s socially and financially rewarded. When you learn to say and perhaps even believe the right things about race, doors are opened for you. When you say the wrong thing, those doors slam shut. Then, the gossips and church ladies will shame you publicly, demand that you be fired from your job, and use every avenue available to them to coerce a confession, a public apology and a staged conversion that contributes to their progressive narrative (Opened Quotes)
I was stuck for 16 months without a win there, and now I’ve had five this year. Once you break that barrier for yourself it makes it easier; you’re not thinking about it... It opened up the floodgate for me (Opened Quotes)
The daily lessons have opened my mind to higher possibilities and given me a newfound personal wisdom. Success is now the only option, it’s what I now expect for myself (Opened Quotes)
I like how wine continues to evolve, like if I opened a bottle of wine today it would taste different than if I’d opened it on any other day, because a bottle of wine is actually alive. And it’s constantly evolving and gaining complexity (Opened Quotes)
The earth’s warmth under me, as I stretch out at night, is astonishing. It is like the warmth of another body that has absorbed the sun all day and now gives out again its store of heat. It is softer, darker than I could ever have believed, and when I take a handful of it and smell its extraordinary odors, I know suddenly what it is I am composed of, as if the energy that is in this fistful of black soil had suddenly opened, between my body and it, as between it and the green stalks, some corridor along which our common being flowed (Opened Quotes)
I realised that reading was the key that opened the door to secret lands, strange places and the worlds behind other people’s eyes (Opened Quotes)