Opening Quotes

Text Quotes
Effortlessness is the ability to slow down and listen for the spaces between the joints... Deep within all things there is a natural rhythm, a music of opening and closing, expansion and contraction (Opening Quotes)
An artist, if he’s unselfish and passionate, is always a living protest. Just to open his mouth is to protest: against conformism, against what is official, public, or national, what everyone else feels comfortable with, so the moment he opens his mouth, an artist is engaged, because opening his mouth is always scandalous (Opening Quotes)
I think it’s very natural to get nervous. I’ve usually got concerns about a specific thing in the opening which might worry me. I have to be relaxed and balanced emotionally and then I can concentrate on the moves during the game. Then things will be ok (Opening Quotes)
To have a functioning body and not to use it is like having 20/20 vision and never opening your eyes (Opening Quotes)
If you’re interested in opening the doors to the heavens, start with the door to your own secret self. See what happens when you offer to another a glimpse of who you truly are. When your heart is undefended, you make it safe for whomever you meet to put down his burden of hiding, and then you both can walk through the open door (Opening Quotes)
Rather, it is the opening or the interruption that allows us to experience what is hidden, and to accept with our hearts our given situation. When film does this, when it subverts our absorption in the temporal and reveals the depths of our own reality, it opens us to a fuller sense of ourselves and our world. It is alive as a devotional form (Opening Quotes)
Only he who has a different visual opening can see the world in another way and can pass on to his neighbour the information required to broaden his field of view... let us get used to looking at the world through the eyes of others (Opening Quotes)
Grace surrounds us and holds us like the sky holds everything in it … and as soon as I find a way to let go of my story, I keep seeing over and over again that grace is always here and it includes the forgetting and the remembering. The practice is the opening of the hand to catch the raindrops, which are always falling. If you don’t open your hand, you get wet, but you don’t get much to drink (Opening Quotes)
I think breathing is actually the key to a lot of opening up of other parts of yourself that you haven’t used, for any job, but particularly in acting (Opening Quotes)
I don’t really comment on my personal life because I feel like any comment at all is opening up a whole can of worms. I’d just rather not talk about who I’m dating (Opening Quotes)
When you try hard at everything you do, even when it feels foolish to do so, you’re opening up doors and possibilities you might not be seeing in the moment (Opening Quotes)
A lot of times, we’re just sold these movies that are really cynically conceived and marketed, and they just want you there opening weekend, before everybody finds out it’s not so good (Opening Quotes)
The library is an arena of possibility, opening both a window into the soul and a door onto the world (Opening Quotes)
It doesn’t promise to solve or erase suffering but to transform it, pledging that by loving one another, even through pain, we will find more life. And it insists that by opening ourselves to strangers, the despised or frightening or unintelligible other, we will see more and more of the holy, since, without exception, all people are one body: God’s (Opening Quotes)
I work for perfection, for perfection’s sake. I don’t care what the external reasons are. And it’s much more like a ballerina on opening night. You’ve done what you’ve got to do. When you go out, the purpose is to turn a perfect turn. You are not thinking about the future of the company, you are not thinking about your future, you’re not thinking about the critics, it is you and the perfect turn (Opening Quotes)
Reading is the basic springboard for learning. And books provide the liftoff. They are the great equalizer, opening up new worlds to everyone (Opening Quotes)
Praying is not about asking; it’s about listening... It is just opening your eyes to see what was there all along (Opening Quotes)
You just need that opening, that moment, when you finally decide to give yourself permission to change (Opening Quotes)
It’s not only moving that creates new starting points. Sometimes all it takes is a subtle shift in perspective, an opening of the mind, an intentional pause and reset, or a new route to start to see new options and new possibilities (Opening Quotes)
The picture is like a prayer, an offering, and hopefully an opening through which to seek what we don’t know, or already know and should take seriously (Opening Quotes)
I hyperventilate opening a box of chocolates.I’m the most nervous guy in the world (Opening Quotes)
You can only learn by opening yourself up to engage with different sources of information. How can you learn something if you never see it, read it, or hear it? (Opening Quotes)
When we enter the landscape to learn something, we are obligated, I think, to pay attention rather than constantly to pose questions. To approach the land as we would a person, by opening an intelligent conversation. And to stay in one place, to make of that one, long observation a fully dilated experience. We will always be rewarded if we give the land credit for more than we imagine, and if we imagine it as being more complex even than language. In these ways we begin, I think, to find a home, to sense how to fit a place (Opening Quotes)
There are such wonderful possibilities in the life of each man and woman! No human being is unimportant. My inspiration comes in opening opportunities that all alike may be free to live life to the fullest (Opening Quotes)
Prayer is a means of sharing the burden, which relieves pressure, as you tell your worries and concerns to someone who will listen and won’t judge, no matter what you say. Praying is like handing the problem over to someone else as you talk it out. Then you can tune in for guidance and a different perspective that will exude heartfelt energy. When you pray, you are exposing your real self and extending sincere, loving energy to yourself. It doesn’t matter if your words are fancy or plain, and there is no way to do it right or wrong. Prayer is about opening your heart and being sincere (Opening Quotes)
When you go to the movie theater and the opening of this movie and you see the kids just cracking up with a character you are giving your voice to, you get goose bumps. It’s so beautiful (Opening Quotes)
Adopting means opening your home, and heart, to a life you’ve never known. But there is nothing as richly rewarding as being an adoptive parent (Opening Quotes)
If you are opening a play, a play that’s really about something, a play that’s really about ideas, you have to find a way to sell that play (Opening Quotes)
I am held by the creator of the world. I am opening, I am unbounded, I am luminous, I am powerful (Opening Quotes)
It is so gratifying to hear from people who look up to you and see you in these places that they never thought they could ever dream to be. It’s emotional. You really feel like you’re opening up people’s minds, who otherwise thought that they couldn’t dream big. That’s such a huge opportunity. It’s such a gift (Opening Quotes)