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Opponent Quotes

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You play ball against yourself; your opponent is your potential  (Opponent Quotes) The more you attack, the more your opponent will make mistakes  (Opponent Quotes) Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance  (Opponent Quotes) The difficult opponent is the best  (Opponent Quotes) I never fear my opponent, for me he only represents a new challenge to conquer  (Opponent Quotes) Let your opponent show you how to defeat him  (Opponent Quotes) A man can overcome his background, even as he can overcome a skilled opponent  (Opponent Quotes) Figure out what your opponent wants you to do and try to do the opposite  (Opponent Quotes) That enemy warrior appears to be a formidable opponent. I relish the challenge  (Opponent Quotes) Fire only at close range, and only when your opponent is properly in your sights  (Opponent Quotes) Always keep your eye on your opponent, and never let yourself be deceived by ruses  (Opponent Quotes) In any form of attack it is essential to assail your opponent from behind  (Opponent Quotes) War therefore is an act of violence to compel our opponent to fulfill our will  (Opponent Quotes) You cheated. No, I exploited a weakness in my opponent. There is a difference  (Opponent Quotes) I am an uncompromising opponent of violent methods even to serve the noblest of causes  (Opponent Quotes) If you’re up against a smart opponent, make him think himself to death  (Opponent Quotes) Direct pressure always tends to harden and consolidate the resistance of an opponent  (Opponent Quotes) There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent  (Opponent Quotes) Negotiation means getting the best of your opponent  (Opponent Quotes) The wisdom of the chess player is displayed more in winning over a capable opponent than a novice. The wisdom of the general is displayed more in defeating a superior army than in subduing an inferior one. Even more so, the wisdom of God is displayed when He brings good to us and glory to Himself out of confusion and calamity rather than out of pleasant times  (Opponent Quotes) I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president. And I call on all Americans, as I have often in this campaign, to not despair of our present difficulties, but to believe, always, in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here  (Opponent Quotes) Ridicule has always been the enemy of enthusiasm, and the only worthy opponent to ridicule is success  (Opponent Quotes) Most of the arguments to which I am party fall somewhat short of being impressive, knowing to the fact that neither I nor my opponent knows what we are talking about  (Opponent Quotes) I didn't know your identity, but I had an impression of who my opponent was, being surrounded by things you made  (Opponent Quotes) It is a matter of perspective, between opponent and partner… You step to the side and the same person can be either or both or something else entirely  (Opponent Quotes) A second basic fact that characterizes nonviolence is that it does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent, but to win his friendship and understanding  (Opponent Quotes) I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me  (Opponent Quotes) The double pleasure of pulling down an opponent, and of raising oneself, is the charm of a politician's life  (Opponent Quotes) The commonest mistake in history is underestimating your opponent; it happens at the poker table all the time  (Opponent Quotes) We know that their adventures are childish. They themselves are fools. They are ready to kill or be killed over a card game in which an opponent - or they themselves - was cheating. Yet, thanks to such fellows, tragedies are possible  (Opponent Quotes)
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