Opportunity Quotes

Text Quotes
What’s important for my daughter to know is that... if you are fortunate to have opportunity, it is your duty to make sure other people have those opportunities as well (Opportunity Quotes)
Crisis moments create opportunity. Problems and crises ignite our greatest creativity and thought leadership as it forces us to focus on things outside the norm (Opportunity Quotes)
Being involved in competition is a privilege and an opportunity. Seek to make the most of that opportunity by pushing yourself to the limit of your abilities. When it is over, you will have earned the respect of your opponents, your coaches, and yourself (Opportunity Quotes)
I expect us to be good; very good. I expect us to first and foremost be better than we were last year and get back to having this franchise as one of the premier franchises on and off the court, and I think we have the opportunity to do that this upcoming season. I really believe that (Opportunity Quotes)
I say to my colleagues that I sit alongside them in committee, in the bars and in the tea room, and I queue alongside them in the division lobby. But when it comes to marriage, they are asking me to stand apart and to join a separate queue. I ask my colleagues, if I am equal in this house, to give me every opportunity to be equal (Opportunity Quotes)
Life in the open is one of my finest rewards. I enjoy and become completely immersed in the high challenge and increased opportunity to become for a time, a part of nature. Deer hunting is a classical exercise in freedom. It is a return to fundamentals that I instinctively feel are basic and right (Opportunity Quotes)
Luxury is the opportunity to experience quality, be it a place, a person or an object (Opportunity Quotes)
In all your dealings, remember that today is your opportunity; tomorrow some other fellow’s (Opportunity Quotes)
If time be a ring of gold, opportunity is the rich diamond that gives it both its value and glory (Opportunity Quotes)
An opportunity is a conjunction of circumstances by which one may improve his condition of life or his equipment for life (Opportunity Quotes)
Leaders create an environment in which everyone has the opportunity to do work which matches his potential capability and for which an equitable differential reward is provided (Opportunity Quotes)
It is imperative that we do not fear challenges that we have attracted to promote our growth. Every obstacle we encounter is an opportunity for spiritual evolution (Opportunity Quotes)
Even if you want something so badly, without talent, you can’t even get the opportunity. You remain as the chorus for the rest of your life (Opportunity Quotes)
If you can see it, hear it, feel it, taste it, touch it, or smell it, you can be present with it. It is of the present moment, and so it brings to you the opportunity to be present with it (Opportunity Quotes)
Every sunrise gives you a new beginning and a new ending. Let this morning be a new beginning to a better relationship and a new ending to the bad memories. Its an opportunity to enjoy life, breathe freely, think and love. Be grateful for this beautiful day (Opportunity Quotes)
Many who have never had an opportunity of knowing any more about mathematics confound it with arithmetic, and consider it an arid science. In reality, however, it is a science which requires a great amount of imagination (Opportunity Quotes)
There has to be a balance in life. A balance of business, family, and the opportunity to learn and teach (Opportunity Quotes)
If there is a trait which does characterize leaders it is opportunism. Successful people are very often those who steadfastly refuse to be daunted by disadvantage and have the ability to turn disadvantage to good effect. They are people who seize opportunity and take risks. Leadership then seems to be a matter of personality and character (Opportunity Quotes)
I’ve learned that you have to stay true to yourself from all the amazing people I’ve had the opportunity to work with thus far. You have to stay true to yourself and don’t be afraid even though people may say what you’re doing isn’t cool or isn’t right. I promise you, you will not regret it if you stay true to who you are and what you love to do because there is no other reason that I am up here today receiving this award (Opportunity Quotes)
Life beats down and crushes our souls and theatre reminds us that we have one. At least the type of theatre that I’m interested in; that is, theatre that moves an audience. You have the opportunity to literally impact the lives of people if they work on material that has integrity. But today, most actors simply want to be famous. Well, being an actor was never supposed to be about fame and money. Being an actor is a religious calling because you’ve been given the ability, the gift to inspire humanity. Think about that on the way to your soap opera audition (Opportunity Quotes)
I shall discuss the broad patterns of hominoid evolution, an exercise made enjoyable by the need to integrate diverse kinds of information, and use that as a vehicle to speculate about hominoid origins, an event for which there is no recognized fossil record. Hence, an opportunity to exercise some imagination (Opportunity Quotes)
Wrestling has positively impacted my life in many ways, but perhaps the one singular thing that I gained from wrestling that stands out the most is andshy; wrestling provided me with the opportunity to learn mental toughness! (Opportunity Quotes)
My reality was that if there was a defenseless player, if that person didn’t touch the ball, I would not hit them. I was not going to strike you if you didn’t have an opportunity to get the ball (Opportunity Quotes)
At the moment of death, there are two things that count: whatever we have done in our lives, and what state of mind we are in at that very moment. Even if we have accumulated a lot of negative karma, if we are able to make a real change of heart at the moment of death, it can decisively influence our future, and transform our karma, for the moment of death is an exceptionally powerful opportunity to purify karma (Opportunity Quotes)
We’ve got something special going here. We want to keep it going. You don’t have many opportunities like this, and the window of opportunity for us is now (Opportunity Quotes)
The core strands of my involvement in public life are a belief in the need to strive wherever possible for equality of treatment and opportunity, to ensure all people have the means to a decent livelihood (Opportunity Quotes)
You can’t predict how much time you will get to embrace your opportunity. You have to go after it with everything you have in you, sacrifice and believe (Opportunity Quotes)
If you want to grow, find a good opportunity. Today, if you want to be a great company, think about what social problem you could solve (Opportunity Quotes)
You can’t sleep. Broke people sleep. You got to be willing to sacrifice sleep, if you sleep you may miss the opportunity to be successful (Opportunity Quotes)
This is an exciting world. It is cram packed with opportunity. Great moments await around every corner (Opportunity Quotes)