Opportunity Quotes

Text Quotes
Well, some people create their own opportunities; others go where opportunities are the greatest; others fail to recognize opportunity when they are face to face with it (Opportunity Quotes)
As long as you enjoy investing, you’ll be willing to do the homework and stay in the game. That’s why I try to make the show so entertaining, because if you aren’t interested, you’ll either miss the opportunity to make money in the market or not pay enough attention and end up losing your shirt (Opportunity Quotes)
I don’t believe you are simply born with the ambition of becoming chancellor. But if you want to make a difference, if you enjoy putting ideas into practice, then the post of chancellor has to be the one presenting the biggest opportunity of all (Opportunity Quotes)
There is no discussion inside this boardroom to say we’ve got to get into this or that. We look at every growth opportunity on its merits (Opportunity Quotes)
Don’t spend so much time trying to choose the perfect opportunity, that you miss the right opportunity (Opportunity Quotes)
When the function of libraries is put in terms of their contributions to the community, people see their centrality. The challenge to us is to continue to help them see it in those terms to describe our larger purposes. We must assert that libraries are central to the quality of life in our society; that libraries have a direct role in preserving democratic freedoms. Free access to information and the opportunity of every individual to improve his or her mind, employment prospects, and lifestyle are fundamental rights in our society (Opportunity Quotes)
From afar, it seems like a war without a solution and like a long sacrifice for the entire country. So when a president appears who tries to open a path to peace, I think that deserves support, because there is a lot of pain, and if they try to settle scores, the war will never end. But there is an opportunity. I would feel selfish if I did not help in any way (Opportunity Quotes)
As long as we are alive, we feel fear. It is an intrinsic part of our makeup, as natural as a bitter cold winter day or the winds that rip branches off trees. If we resist it or push it aside, we miss a powerful opportunity for awakening (Opportunity Quotes)
Developing countries present a real opportunity for sustainable consumption. There, we can start from a clean slate and develop appropriate products and services that serve people’s needs in a more efficient, integrated way (Opportunity Quotes)
Every kind of work can be a pleasure. Even simple household tasks can be an opportunity to exercise and expand our caring, our effectiveness, our responsiveness. As we respond with caring and vision to all work, we develop our capacity to respond fully to all of life. Every action generates positive energy which can be shared with others. These qualities of caring and responsiveness are the greatest gift we can offer (Opportunity Quotes)
If you know what’s going on and know how society can be improved and happiness advanced, you tend to focus on how to get things done that will help health, safety, opportunity, justice, accountability of powerful institutions to the people they are supposed to serve (Opportunity Quotes)
Unsatisfied desire is the characteristic feature of human life. That is the common fact out of which both pessimism and optimism are constructed. Dwell on the impossibility of ever getting a state of complete and permanent satisfaction with what you have, and you become a pessimist. Dwell on the opportunity for endless growth and conquest which this same fact makes possible, and you become an optimist (Opportunity Quotes)
Every role presents a new opportunity for me to do something different and to explore something different (Opportunity Quotes)
Acting offers me an outlet. Here is the perfect opportunity to spend fleeting moments becoming an entirely different person; to experience a character entirely unlike myself, but to also make such a character a part of me. There is no routine here; there is no boredom. How does one get bored of life? (Opportunity Quotes)
If your lot makes you cry and be wretched, get rid of it and take another; strike out for yourself; don’t listen to the shriek of your relations... don’t be afraid of public opinion in the shape of the neighbours in the next house, when all the world is before you new and shining, and everything is possible, if you will only be energetic and independent and seize opportunity by the scruff of the neck (Opportunity Quotes)
America is a country with so much opportunity. I’m living the blessings of what this country offers (Opportunity Quotes)
I was really good at saying no. I decided I was just going to say yes to any opportunity that came, no matter how crazy. And it changed my life (Opportunity Quotes)
What interests me is the opportunity for all of us to become something different from what we are, by constructing spaces that contribute something to the experience of who we are (Opportunity Quotes)
We should use the transition to a better energy strategy as an opportunity to create a better economy and a better country all around (Opportunity Quotes)
Music saved my life. The voice you hear, the soul, the pain, is that of a person who deeply, deeply, deeply appreciates the opportunity they’ve been given (Opportunity Quotes)
I turned down the opportunity to be in some films that went on to be blockbusters (Opportunity Quotes)
As a film actor, you don’t often get that opportunity to meet with your audience and take your applause on stage (Opportunity Quotes)
The secret of our lost mode of prayer is to shift our perspective of life by feeling that the miracle has already happened and our prayers have been answered. Now we have the opportunity to bring this wisdom into our lives as prayers of gratitude for what already exists, rather than asking for our prayers to be answered (Opportunity Quotes)
I’m not a huge fan of scary movies, but I love doing them because your character arc gets condensed, and everything is elevated, and so you kind of have this amazing opportunity to go in many different places (Opportunity Quotes)
What I love most about fatherhood is the opportunity to be a part of the development process of a new life (Opportunity Quotes)
Some actors have to make a choice. If they have the opportunity to become these huge megastars, making millions and millions of dollars and have to live a lie, that’s a choice they have to make. Not that I would ever be a big star, but I just had to live my life the way I saw fit (Opportunity Quotes)
I’ve been very blessed, I think, or what do you call it... mmm... lucky to get at this stage what I have. It’s not like I’ve come from acting school and done work at an academy or something. I feel I’ve been given a very huge chance and opportunity (Opportunity Quotes)
Sometimes you don’t get a second chance. You need to take a chance when you have the opportunity. Always (Opportunity Quotes)
Don’t look at other people and compare yourself. Just do the work. Because when the opportunity is there, you have to be ready. Make sure your craft is refined and you’re constantly working on it. Plow through the weeds. Go to the auditions and go to the meetings and be on time. Stop looking to the left or the right. Keep your head down and keep moving (Opportunity Quotes)
Dance has always been my number one. I started when I was seven years old and I’ve had the opportunity to work with some really amazing artists (Opportunity Quotes)