Opportunity Quotes

Text Quotes
Many people seem to think that opportunity means a chance to get money without earning it (Opportunity Quotes)
A people inspired by democracy, human rights and economic opportunity will turn their back decisively against extremism (Opportunity Quotes)
Dream big and you will be presented with the opportunity to lead the world on an incredible adventure (Opportunity Quotes)
Small men, seeking great wealth or power, have too often and too long turned even the highest levels of public service into mere personal opportunity (Opportunity Quotes)
You can be anything you want to be, and you can start today, instead of waiting for some opportunity (Opportunity Quotes)
Each new day presents a new opportunity to make it right. Each day as you awake step out in front, head towards the sun, keep facing it and the dark shadows shall not cross thy path (Opportunity Quotes)
If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. Whatever your dream is, make it come true (Opportunity Quotes)
Decide to laugh at the little problems, and to see each one as an opportunity for growth (Opportunity Quotes)
Girls say they prefer clingy boys, but when they get the opportunity they just take them for granted (Opportunity Quotes)
A fair and just society offers equality of opportunity to all. But it cannot promise, and should not try to enforce, sameness (Opportunity Quotes)
As you embark on a new journey keep an open mind. You never know what could be until you try, waste no opportunity (Opportunity Quotes)
When you feel strongly that there has to be a better way, there is. And you have the opportunity to find it (Opportunity Quotes)
The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity (Opportunity Quotes)
Once you stop working, you give someone else the opportunity to obtain what could’ve been yours (Opportunity Quotes)
A person of greater enterprise than discretion, who in embracing an opportunity has formed an unfortunate attachment (Opportunity Quotes)
Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. You only get one chance to make a good impression. Some opportunities only come once. Be ready (Opportunity Quotes)
Do you see difficulties in every opportunity or opportunities in every difficulty (Opportunity Quotes)
A man’s biggest mistake is giving another man the opportunity to make his woman smile (Opportunity Quotes)
The biggest opportunity for big companies has come by far in the digitization of internal processes (Opportunity Quotes)
Regardless of how badly you handled yesterday, today provides a fresh opportunity to do things right (Opportunity Quotes)
Each new day is an opportunity to start over again and to choose a new life for ourselves (Opportunity Quotes)
Failure does not lead to a dead end. I believe it leads to an opportunity to reflect on the aspects in your life that need adjustments or improvements (Opportunity Quotes)
Your strength will always be tested. You have to see each setback as an opportunity to become stronger (Opportunity Quotes)
You grow your best thoughts in silence, solitude, and meditation. When you relax and think deeply, you are giving your inmost powers their best opportunity to disclose themselves (Opportunity Quotes)
Friendship is a sweet responsibility to be nurtured, not an opportunity to be exploited (Opportunity Quotes)
Never regret any decisions you make in life. With every difficult choice comes an opportunity to learn something new (Opportunity Quotes)
I’d love the opportunity to lie to you about my previous places of employment (Opportunity Quotes)
Each new day present time and opportunity. It’s what you do with these that defines who you are (Opportunity Quotes)
When you have an opportunity to change someone’s life, never waste that chance (Opportunity Quotes)
The past is lessons to learn. The present is opportunity to practice those lessons. The future is time to enjoy those lessons learned (Opportunity Quotes)