Opposite Quotes

Text Quotes
But there is no energy unless there is a tension of opposites; hence it is necessary to discover the opposite to the attitude of the conscious mind. (Opposite Quotes)
Contrary to popular belief, a good number of transvestites-both male and female-are also heterosexual. Just because they want to get dressed up like the opposite sex does not necessarily mean they want to go to bed with the same sex. Some have successful heterosexual marriages and enjoy the most delightful shopping experiences. (Opposite Quotes)
Ignore the conventional wisdom. If everybody else is doing it one way, there’s a good chance you can find your niche by going in exactly the opposite direction. (Opposite Quotes)
Conservatives sometimes catch a tremendous about of flak from inside the Beltway - and those groups can exert extreme pressure on those conservative members to try to get them to vote in ways that are opposite of their core fundamental beliefs and the promises that they made to their constituents back in their districts. (Opposite Quotes)
The opposite of corporate greed is personal generosity. Government policies that enable the former and prevent the latter are both worthy of protest. (Opposite Quotes)
The best way to battle fear is with courage. You have to look at the opposite of fear: Fear is scared of courage. (Opposite Quotes)
Some creative writing programs seem evil, but my experience at Irvine was totally the opposite, where I feel like they were really good at focusing in on each writers voice and setting. When I felt like I was obligated to write a story that was more typical, no one really liked it. (Opposite Quotes)
The average politician was crooked. That was my ambition, to be a crooked politician. I’d see them in these restaurants, and they’d all hold these conferences. I’d see politicians who were supposed to be on opposite sides of issues all together at one table. (Opposite Quotes)
Diplomacy in a sense is the opposite of writing. You have to disperse yourself so much: the lady who comes in crying because she’s had a fight with the secretary; exports and imports; students in trouble; thumbtacks for the embassy. (Opposite Quotes)
You know the old adage that the customer’s always right? Well, I kind of think that the opposite is true. The customer is rarely right. (Opposite Quotes)
Take faith, for example. For many people in our world, the opposite of faith is doubt. The goal, then, within this understanding, is to eliminate doubt. But faith and doubt aren’t opposites. Doubt is often a sign that your faith has a pulse, that it’s alive and well and exploring and searching. Faith and doubt aren’t opposites, they are, it turns out, excellent dance partners. (Opposite Quotes)
Neoliberalism considers the discourse of equality, justice, and democracy quaint, if not dangerous and must be either trivialized, turned into its Orwellian opposite, or eviscerated from public life. (Opposite Quotes)
It’s the opposite journey from what I’ve usually done with films. I find it very easy to go from, say, a lit, pleasurable environment, like what you see outside there, to a very dark place. But the opposite journey, which is what this movie takes, is much more complicated. (Opposite Quotes)
Some people can have a dark side, completely the opposite of the image they portray (Opposite Quotes)
You have to remember: the wife been home all day cleaning asses and feeding faces. Sometimes the opposite. (Opposite Quotes)
A lot of my emotional issues come from dealing with the opposite sex. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll be retired before I can finally enter into a healthy relationship. (Opposite Quotes)
Your appearance shouldn’t define who you are, and that’s what I like, the contrast between people looking like the opposite of what they truly are deep inside. (Opposite Quotes)
What deep violence does the mind invent / As polar opposite to love. (In ‘Hat Love’). (Opposite Quotes)
In all of my looking at happiness, one thing I noticed right away is that the opposite of happiness isn’t unhappiness or even depression, it’s anxiety. It is something that can constantly block our happiness, or our chance to reach that sort of meditative state in our work or our home lives. (Opposite Quotes)
There are many ways of understanding simple things, but generally the opposite is true for difficult ideas (Opposite Quotes)
I have ideas of subjects and atmospheres that I love. I either want to go in a tougher, stronger direction or do the opposite: simple ballads. (Opposite Quotes)
Well people love to go dirty and stuff like that. It’s funny, because even really dirty things can kind of inspire, but all things inspire really dirty improv and monologues. So then really dirty things can inspire the exact opposite. It’s kind of a crapshoot. (Opposite Quotes)
If you want to be creative, don’t try to do something new. Doing something new means NOT doing what’s been done before, and that’s a negative impulse. Negative impulses are frustrating. They’re the opposite of creativity, and they never yield good ideas... (Opposite Quotes)
The remedy for thirst? It is the opposite of the one for a dog bite: run always after a dog, he’ll never bite you; drink always before thirst, and it will never overtake you. (Opposite Quotes)
The disposition of noble dogs is to be gentle with people they know and the opposite with those they don’t know...How, then, can the dog be anything other than a lover of learning since it defines what’s its own and what’s alien. (Opposite Quotes)
When I was young, I liked romance. But to me, romance is the opposite of domestic life. I just don’t want anyone in the apartment, not for longer than a few hours. (Opposite Quotes)
When you’re happy you don’t always have to be laughing, and when you’re sad you don’t have to be crying; sometimes it’s the opposite. You laugh when you’re the most upset. (Opposite Quotes)
When people are entering a high-stress period, they don’t sleep and don’t exercise, but in fact, it should be just the opposite. (Opposite Quotes)
Photographs freed from the scientific bias can, and indeed usually do, have double meanings, implied meanings, unintended meanings, can hint and insinuate, and may even mean the opposite of what they apparently mean. (Opposite Quotes)
I spend some of my time brooding about people who seem addicted to double standards - those who take an allegedly principled stand on a Monday, then switch firmly to the opposite principle on Tuesday if it is to their advantage. (Opposite Quotes)