Oppressed Quotes

Text Quotes
If that means going onto their farms, releasing their animals and burning the place to the ground, that’s morally justifiable, in our opinion... There were always innocent people who got hurt somewhere along the way but it was important that those who oppressed one group of people be stopped, and we don’t see the animal liberation struggle being substantially different from these other struggles... A sustained campaign against a particular industry or a particular organization has the potential to be quite effective (Oppressed Quotes)
True religion always moves us to serve others and to give our lives to see those oppressed find freedom (Oppressed Quotes)
The process of liberation brings with it a profound conflict. Having the project be clear is not enough. What is necessary is a spirituality of resistance and of renewed hope to turn ever back to the struggle in the face of the defeats of the oppressed (Oppressed Quotes)
What should move us to action is human dignity: the inalienable dignity of the oppressed, but also the dignity of each of us. We lose dignity if we tolerate the intolerable (Oppressed Quotes)
Those who call for censorship in the name of the oppressed ought to recognize it is never the oppressed who determine the bounds of censorship (Oppressed Quotes)
Oppressed people, whatever their level of formal education, have the ability to understand and interpret the world around them, to see the world for what it is, and move to transform it (Oppressed Quotes)
I don’t mind expressing my opinions and speaking out against injustice. I would be doing this even if I wasn’t a writer. I grew up in a household that believed in social justice. I have always understood myself as having an obligation to stand on the side of the silenced, the oppressed, and the mistreated (Oppressed Quotes)
The artist takes in the world, but instead of being oppressed by it, he reworks it in his own personality and recreates it in the work of art (Oppressed Quotes)
Every time I sit down to eat, I cast my lot: for mercy, against misery; for the oppressed, against the oppressor; and for compassion, against cruelty. There is a lot of suffering in the world, but how much suffering can be addressed with literally no time or effort on our part? We can just stop supporting it, by making different choices (Oppressed Quotes)
The poetics of the oppressed is essentially the poetics of liberation: the spectator no longer delegates power to the characters either to think or to act in his place. The spectator frees himself; he thinks and acts for himself! Theatre is action! (Oppressed Quotes)
Set about doing good to somebody. Put on your hat and go and visit the sick and poor of your neighborhood; inquire into their circumstances and minister to their wants. Seek out the desolate and afflicted and oppressed... I have often tried this method, and have always found it the best medicine for a heavy heart (Oppressed Quotes)
Oppressed people are frequently very oppressive when first liberated. They know but two positions: somebody’s foot on their neck or their foot on somebody’s neck (Oppressed Quotes)
It seems that when we are oppressed by the knowledge of our worthlessness we do not see ourselves as lower than some and higher than others, but as lower than the lowest of mankind. We hate then the whole world, and we would pour our wrath upon the whole of creation (Oppressed Quotes)
God loves you. God doesn’t want anyone to be hungry and oppressed. He just puts his big arms around everybody and hugs them up against himself (Oppressed Quotes)
In the history of humanity, women have never been as oppressed as they are right now. Men can make babies with us and then walk away (Oppressed Quotes)
Cats are oppressed, dogs terrify them, landladies starve them, boys stone them, everybody speaks of them with contempt. If they were human beings we could talk of their oppressors with a studied violence, add our strength to theirs, even organize the oppressed and like good politicians sell our charity for power (Oppressed Quotes)
They were wrestling with canvases, using violent colors and huge brush strokes. I arrived with gray, silent, sober, oppressed paintings. One critic said they were paintings that thought (Oppressed Quotes)
People seem good while they are oppressed, but they only wish to become oppressors in their turn: life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim (Oppressed Quotes)
To see eternity was to be exposed to eternity’s whims, oppressed by endless dimensions (Oppressed Quotes)
Often the oppressor goes along unaware of the evil involved in his oppression so long as the oppressed accepts it (Oppressed Quotes)
The hand of benevolence is everywhere stretched out, searching into abuses, righting wrongs, alleviating distresses, and bringing to the knowledge and sympathies of the world the lowly, the oppressed, and the forgotten (Oppressed Quotes)
As long as the family and the myth of the family... have not been destroyed, women will still be oppressed (Oppressed Quotes)
Oppression works in such a way that it holds every person responsible for the acts of any wrongdoer of the oppressed group (Oppressed Quotes)
Some people are afraid of generosity. They feel they will be taken advantage of or oppressed. In cultivating generosity, we are only oppressing our greed and attachment. This allows our true nature to come out and become lighter and freer (Oppressed Quotes)
The dictator is also the scapegoat; in assuming absolute authority, he assumes absolute guilt; and the oppressed masses, groaning under the yoke, know themselves to be innocent as lambs, while they pray hypocritically for deliverance (Oppressed Quotes)
If given a choice, I would have certainly selected to be what I am: one of the oppressed instead of one of the oppressors (Oppressed Quotes)
In order to perpetuate itself, every oppression must corrupt or distort those various sources of power within the culture of the oppressed that can provide energy for change (Oppressed Quotes)
Oppressed people are treacherous for the simple reason that treachery is both a means of survival and a way to curry favor with one’s oppressor (Oppressed Quotes)
Poor and afflicted and oppressed people have faces, and we are required to look squarely into them. We can’t love what we won’t experience (Oppressed Quotes)
Human beings are so made that the ones who do the crushing feel nothing; it is the person crushed who feels what is happening. Unless one has placed oneself on the side of the oppressed, to feel with them, one cannot understand (Oppressed Quotes)