Order Quotes

Text Quotes
We only acknowledge small faults in order to make it appear that we are free from great ones (Order Quotes)
We have to continue to learn. We have to be open. And we have to be ready to release our knowledge in order to come to a higher understanding of reality (Order Quotes)
The ideas of the moral order and of God belong to the ineradicable substrate of the human soul (Order Quotes)
Don't hide from me, Tanna. I want to help you and in order to do that I need to know everything you're feeling (Order Quotes)
Here is the mud, and there is the lotus that grows out of the mud. We need the mud in order to make the lotus (Order Quotes)
There are two distinct viewpoints in every republic: that of the populace and that of the elite. All the laws made in order to foster liberty result from the tensions between them, (Order Quotes)
Tolstoy meant that, in order to be happy, a marriage must succeed in many different respects: sexual attraction, agreement about money, child discipline, religion, in - laws, and other vital issues (Order Quotes)
What I'm asking you to entertain is that there is nothing we need to believe on insufficient evidence in order to have deeply ethical and spiritual lives (Order Quotes)
Only literature could reveal the process of breaking the law - without which the law would have no end - independently of the necessity to create order (Order Quotes)
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things (Order Quotes)
True discipline means channeling our best hours into first - order objectives, and that means being a nonconformist in the best sense (Order Quotes)
It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things (Order Quotes)
The innovator makes enemies of all those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support is forthcoming from those who would prosper under the new (Order Quotes)
You ought never to suffer your designs to be crossed in order to avoid war, since war is not so to be avoided, but is only deferred to your disadvantage (Order Quotes)
For he who innovates will have for his enemies all those who are well off under the existing order of things, and only lukewarm supporters in those who might be better off under the new (Order Quotes)
One must be a fox in order to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten off wolves. Those who simply act like lions are stupid (Order Quotes)
Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way (Order Quotes)
Choosing goals that are important to you is one of the most essential things you can do in order to live your dreams (Order Quotes)
You must be willing to do the things today others don't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have (Order Quotes)
First it is done to us, then we do it to others, then we order it done. Such is the way of things (Order Quotes)
Accept the consequences of your actions in order to become the agent of your mental, physical, spiritual and material success (Order Quotes)
The way of God is complex, he is hard for us to predict. He moves the pieces and they come somehow into a kind of order (Order Quotes)
It is love alone that leads to right action. What brings order in the world is to love and let love do what it will (Order Quotes)
To be a manager requires more than a title, a big office, and other outward symbols of rank. It requires competence and performance of a high order (Order Quotes)
We must look at ourselves over and over again in order to learn to love, to discover what has kept our hearts closed, and what it means to allow our hearts to open (Order Quotes)
In order to judge properly, one must get away somewhat from what one is judging, after having loved it. This is true of countries, of persons, and of oneself (Order Quotes)
Every instant of our lives is essentially irreplaceable: you must know this in order to concentrate on life (Order Quotes)
I love my family. I love people. And I love Christ. I therefore don't want to run. I would rather move with courage in order to tell - through my life - the story of redemption (Order Quotes)
Poverty makes a slave out of men. In order to eat he will accept work that gives no pleasure (Order Quotes)
A man must dream a long time in order to act with grandeur, and dreaming is nursed in darkness (Order Quotes)