Order Quotes

Text Quotes
Education, which was at first made universal in order that all might be able to read and write, has been found capable of serving quite other purposes. By instilling nonsense it unifies populations and generates collective enthusiasm (Order Quotes)
There are only two sorts of greatness: true greatness, which is of a spiritual order, and the old, old lie of world conquest. Conquest is an ersatz greatness (Order Quotes)
Humility is often only feigned submission which people use to render others submissive. It is a subterfuge of pride which lowers itself in order to rise (Order Quotes)
The general order of things that takes care of fleas and moles also takes care of men, if they will have the same patience that fleas and moles have, to leave it to itself (Order Quotes)
Order always weighs on the individual. Disorder makes him wish for the police or for death. These are two extreme circumstances in which human nature is not at ease (Order Quotes)
Were a man to order his life by the rules of true reason, a frugal substance joined to a contented mind is for him great riches; for never is there any lack of a little (Order Quotes)
Order a purge for your brain, it will there be much better employed than upon your stomach (Order Quotes)
In order to try whether a vessel be leaky, we first prove it with water before we trust it with wine (Order Quotes)
The criterion of mental health is not one of individual adjustment to a given social order, but a universal one, valid for all men, of giving a satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence (Order Quotes)
The entire most beautiful order of things that are very good, when their measures have been accomplished, is to pass away (Order Quotes)
Dignity, high station, or great riches, are in some sort necessary to old men, in order to keep the younger at a distance, who are otherwise too apt to insult them upon the score of their age (Order Quotes)
Each eye can have its vision separately; but when we are looking at anything our vision, which in itself is divided, joins up and unites in order to give itself as a whole to the object that is put before it (Order Quotes)
Creative people have to be fed from the divine source. I have to get fed. I had to get filled up in order to pour out (Order Quotes)
There is one order of beauty which seems made to turn heads. It is a beauty like that of kittens, or very small downy ducks making gentle rippling noises with their soft bills, or babies just beginning to toddle (Order Quotes)
I want to be black, to know black, to luxuriate in whatever I might be calling blackness at any particular time, but to do so in order to come out on the other side, to experience a humanity that is neither colorless nor reducible to color (Order Quotes)
He who has no taste for order, will be often wrong in his judgment, and seldom considerate or conscientious in his actions (Order Quotes)
In order to fully realize how bad a popular play can be, it is necessary to see it twice (Order Quotes)
Instead of killing and dying in order to produce the being that we are not, we have to live and let live in order to create what we are (Order Quotes)
Revolution, in order to be creative, cannot do without either a moral or metaphysical rule to balance the insanity of history (Order Quotes)
Never hold anyone by the button or the hand in order to be heard out; for if people are unwilling to hear you, you had better hold your tongue than them (Order Quotes)
I do not hold that we should rearm in order to fight. I hold that we should rearm in order to parley (Order Quotes)
Repartee is perfect when it effects its purpose with a double edge. It is the highest order of wit, as it indicates the coolest yet quickest exercise of genius, at a moment when the passions are roused (Order Quotes)
To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right (Order Quotes)
Each makes this cosmos and its construction the pivot of his emotional life, in order to find in this way peace and security which he can not find in the narrow whirlpool of personal experience (Order Quotes)
It is sheer madness to live in want in order to be wealthy when you die (Order Quotes)
We must be physicists in order to be creative since so far codes of values and ideals have been constructed in ignorance of physics or even in contradiction to physics (Order Quotes)
The art of progress is to preserve order amid change, and to preserve change amid order. Life refuses to be embalmed alive. The more prolonged the halt in some unrelieved system of order, the greater the crash of the dead society (Order Quotes)
When you interact with another, an illusion is part of this dynamic. This illusion allows each soul to perceive what it needs to understands in order to heal (Order Quotes)
A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither (Order Quotes)
In order to do great things, it is necessary to live as if one was never to die (Order Quotes)