Ordinary People Quotes

Text Quotes
Ordinary people have big TVs. Extraordinary people have big libraries (Ordinary People Quotes)
Ordinary imperfect people, always choose similarly imperfect people as friends (Ordinary People Quotes)
Exceptional people are often called crazy by the ordinary world (Ordinary People Quotes)
...ordinary people are capable of doing truly extraordinary things. (Ordinary People Quotes)
Love is ... something extraordinary that happens to ordinary people. (Ordinary People Quotes)
Successful people do ordinary things with extraordinary consistency, commitment and focus (Ordinary People Quotes)
Perhaps people like us cannot love. Ordinary people can - that is their secret (Ordinary People Quotes)
The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate ‘apparently ordinary’ people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people (Ordinary People Quotes)
Life is not a series of pathetic, meaningles actions. Some of them are so far from pathetic, so far from meaningless as to be beyond reason, maybe beyond forgiveness (Ordinary People Quotes)
Don’t assume you have to be extraordinary to be used by God. You don’t have to have exceptional gifts, talents, abilities, or connections. God specializes in using ordinary people whose limitations and weaknesses make them ideal showcases for His greatness and glory (Ordinary People Quotes)
Ordinary people love entertainment. Extraordinary people adore education (Ordinary People Quotes)
Ordinary [people] avoid troubles. Extraordinary [people] turn them into advantage (Ordinary People Quotes)
We are all ordinary people. And it’s the extraordinary people Who know it (Ordinary People Quotes)
Socialists don’t like ordinary people choosing, for they might not choose socialism (Ordinary People Quotes)
Systems permit ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results predictably (Ordinary People Quotes)
The sixties were a time when ordinary people could do extraordinary things . . . ! (Ordinary People Quotes)
Superficial people find the extraordinary fascinating, and profound people find the ordinary riveting. (Ordinary People Quotes)
Ordinary people, even weak people, can do extraordinary things through temporary courage generated by a situation. But the person of character does not need the situation to generate his courage. It is a part of his being and a standard approach to all life’s challenges. (Ordinary People Quotes)
Rock isn’t art, it’s the way ordinary people talk (Ordinary People Quotes)
Pay any price to stay in the presence of extraordinary people (Ordinary People Quotes)
... ordinary people are capable of doing truly extraordinary things (Ordinary People Quotes)
When ordinary people pray, extraordinary things can happen (Ordinary People Quotes)
Wisdom is what separates average people from extraordinary people (Ordinary People Quotes)
We’re just ordinary people. We don’t know which way to go (Ordinary People Quotes)
Most activism is brought about by us ordinary people (Ordinary People Quotes)
Actors enjoy being treated as ordinary people (Ordinary People Quotes)
Love is... something extraordinary that happens to ordinary people (Ordinary People Quotes)
Ordinary morality is only for ordinary people (Ordinary People Quotes)
The hours that ordinary people waste, extraordinary people leverage (Ordinary People Quotes)
The extraordinary lies in the path of ordinary people (Ordinary People Quotes)