Ordinary Quotes

Text Quotes
I think that ordinary people who are placed in extraordinary circumstances find themselves pushed beyond their limits, and learn new truths about themselves. (Ordinary Quotes)
When we trust our creativity we encounter a supreme kind of enjoyment - an amazement at the natural unfolding of life beyond our ordinary way of looking at things. (Ordinary Quotes)
I find that very appealing: the blurring of the lines between what’s funny and what’s tragic. And what’s ordinary and what’s not - the big things in the small things. (Ordinary Quotes)
I had a dream of music and art and the big city in which I would get lost, where no one would know me and I wouldn’t know anyone, where I would work at some ordinary job, and if one day I got up in the morning and decided I wasn’t going to go to work anymore, no one would ask questions. (Ordinary Quotes)
One difference between artists and ordinary people is that artists have big egos. In some cases, it’s the only difference. (Ordinary Quotes)
You never know when some small thing will lead to a big idea. Travel is very inspirational - but it’s in the ordinary that I find my themes of love and work and family. (Ordinary Quotes)
Orwell wrote easily and well about small humane pursuits, such as bird watching, gardening and cooking, and did not despise popular pleasures like pubs and vulgar seaside resorts. In many ways, his investigations into ordinary life and activity prefigure what we now call ‘cultural studies. (Ordinary Quotes)
I wouldn’t have thought that a wrong theory should lead us to understand better the ordinary quantum field theories or to have new insights about the quantum states of black holes. (Ordinary Quotes)
Our galaxy’s pretty ordinary, garden-variety. So if we believe our galaxy has a super massive black hole, that tells us that most, if not all, galaxies host such a black hole at their centers. (Ordinary Quotes)
I was so ordinary, critics couldn’t understand it, but looking back, that was the reason for my success. What you see is what you get. People thought, ‘I could do that.’ (Ordinary Quotes)
The creation of the mortgage bond market, a decade earlier, had extended Wall Street into a place it had never before been: the debts of ordinary Americans. (Ordinary Quotes)
A lot of healing is in the mind. I’m not talking about serious illnesses like cancer. I’m talking about ordinary broken bones. Healing begins in the head. You have to convince yourself you can do it. (Ordinary Quotes)
Scholars of the East and West have heroically consecrated their whole working lives to making available, by means of their own disciplines, Sufi literary and philosophical material to the world at large. In many cases they have faithfully recorded the Sufis’ own reiteration that the Way of the Sufis cannot be understood by means of the intellect or by ordinary book learning. (Ordinary Quotes)
Basically, I’m a really bad interviewer. I love meeting celebrities, but then I get a bit bored. Once you meet them you thing, ‘really, what an ordinary person’. (Ordinary Quotes)
I was born an ordinary actor. I will die an ordinary actor. But I’ve persisted. (Ordinary Quotes)
I’m not claiming to be anything out of the ordinary. I am not especially big or strong or brave or intrepid. (Ordinary Quotes)
There is hunger for ordinary bread, and there is hunger for love, for kindness, for thoughtfulness, and this is the great poverty that makes people suffer so much. (Ordinary Quotes)
Glamour is a beautiful illusion - the word ‘glamour’ originally meant a literal magic spell - that promises to transcend ordinary life and make the ideal real. It depends on a special combination of mystery and grace. Too much information breaks the spell. (Ordinary Quotes)
Obama is not the messiah any longer. He is now your standard, ordinary, everyday politician who lies, who breaks promises, who’s in it for himself, who can’t do anything on his own. He’s not qualified. All of this is becoming known, sadly, too late. (Ordinary Quotes)
Most artists try to break your heart, or they accidentally break their own hearts.But I find the quietness in the ordinary much more satisfying. (Ordinary Quotes)
Once you feel the desire to engage, think about what you’re good at and what you can contribute. It’s about breaking down the idea that there are activists and ordinary people. (Ordinary Quotes)
I love this life. I feel like I am always catching my breath and saying, ‘Oh! Will you look at that?’ Photography has been my way of bearing witness to the joy I find in seeing the extraordinary in ordinary life. You don’t look for pictures. Your pictures are looking for you. (Ordinary Quotes)
I’ve lived this very dramatic life, with high points and terrible low points. Nothing has been ordinary, and I want to have the experience of the last breath. I want a little drama to it. (Ordinary Quotes)
When you bring an idealised relationship down to the level of an ordinary one it isn’t necessarily the ordinary one that suffers’. (Ordinary Quotes)
More than any other in Western Europe, Britain remains a country where a traveler has to think twice before indulging in the ordinary food of ordinary people. (Ordinary Quotes)
What landed Jesus on the cross was the preposterous idea that common, ordinary, broken, screwed-up people could be godly. (Ordinary Quotes)
The whole world feels that it knows Francis, not so much because he follows Francis of Assisi but because he is always himself. We have seen him pay his own hotel bill and heard that Francis called Buenos Aires for a pair of ordinary black shoes, like John XXIII, who preferred stout peasant shoes to the traditional papal footwear. (Ordinary Quotes)
My healthcare plan puts more money into average families’ pockets than the Bush tax cuts... He’s got a lousy tax cut. It’s only good for the super wealthy. I’ve got a tax cut that will help ordinary people. (Ordinary Quotes)
I’m probably not your typical business person in many ways. I don’t wear a suit. I don’t carry a briefcase. I don’t wear a tie. I’m fairly casual. I haven’t got a big office, and it’s in a very ordinary part of town. I’d much prefer to downplay than impress. (Ordinary Quotes)
I originally thought I’d be an ordinary business man, but I really like art, so that’s how I became a manga artist. (Ordinary Quotes)