Organism Quotes

Text Quotes
I haven’t a clue if there is life on other planets but I’d be charmed if we found a unicellular organism on Mars. It would change our whole concept of life on Earth (Organism Quotes)
To call the State an organism shows a diseased tendency to make a fetish of words (Organism Quotes)
I think the fundamental apprehension is that the city’s an organism of some form, rather than being governed from above (Organism Quotes)
I hope to take advantage of the Netflix organism and see if there are ways to get in new material and see if there are ways to do deleted scenes (Organism Quotes)
In the heart of consciousness is subjectivity, this sense of having a self that observes one’s own organism and the world around that organism. That is really the heart of consciousness (Organism Quotes)
Lack of awareness of the basic unity of organism and environment is a serious and dangerous hallucination (Organism Quotes)
There is no differentiation between all living things: trees, river, animals, and humans. We are all one interdependent organism, so our focus may seem broad but each element interacts with the other. We have so many phenomenal eyes, skills, and hands on deck. It’s mind-blowingly exciting (Organism Quotes)
For once, I believe that PETA, at least on the level of logic, is correct. If the NCAA has to protect offended Native Americans ... by God, PETA ought to advocate for the protection of every organism in the animal kingdom. (Organism Quotes)
People carry around with them internalization’s fixed-feature space learned early in life. Man is like other members of the animal kingdom , first, last and always a prisoner of his biological organism. No matter how hard he tries, it is impossible for him to the best himself of his own culture, where it has penetrated to the roots of his nervous system and determines how he perceives the world. (Organism Quotes)
You have to ask yourself: how much does any one person or one family need? And when you start thinking about the universe as an organism, it’s important that we, as components of that organism, take care of each other and ourselves. (Organism Quotes)
The band is a living, breathing thing. It grows in the same way we do as human beings and if it doesn’t, it dies. It’s important to feed the organism, and one way of doing that is to set musical challenges that keep it alive. (Organism Quotes)
Unless one believes in a superhuman reason which directs evolution, one is bound to believe in a reason inherent in humanity, a motive power transcending that of each separate people, just as the power of the organism transcends that of the organ. This reason increases in proportion as the unity of mankind becomes established. (Organism Quotes)
Genetically modified organism (GMO) foods are feared and hated by environmentalists and the public alike. Yet the scientific assessment of GMOs is remarkably different. Every major scientific evaluation of GMO technology has concluded that GMOs are safe for human consumption and are a benefit to the environment. (Organism Quotes)
Film becomes a living organism. After awhile, it begins to tell you what it needs and you’re usually best listening. (Organism Quotes)
As in all of biology, comparative studies showing differences among species are often helpful for a better understanding of the basic mechanisms; with all its advantages, there is a danger of clinging exclusively to one model organism. (Organism Quotes)
When we experience stress, the nervous system tries to control things. Part of waking up is discovering what we are beyond that controlling organism. (Organism Quotes)
It’s true that my research expertise is in biology: for example, the Ebola virus, the Marburg virus, and monkey pox, and not bacteriology as in the case of the anthrax organism. It’s also true that I have never, ever worked with anthrax in my life. It’s a separate field from the research I was performing at Fort Detrick. (Organism Quotes)
Fichte would identify all states of our minds with states of our body - perhaps not merely of our brain, but the whole body as an acting organism. (Organism Quotes)
The three branches of government number considerably more than three and are not, in any sense, ‘branches’ since that would imply that there is something they are all attached to besides self-aggrandizement and our pocketbooks. ... Government is not a machine with parts; it’s an organism. When does an intestine quit being an intestine and start becoming an asshole? (Organism Quotes)
The genome was once thought to be just the blueprint for a living organism, like a combination of the architect’s plan for a building and the builder’s list of supplies. It specified the parts, the building blocks, and, somehow, the design of the whole, the way in which they are to be put together. (Organism Quotes)
Sometime in the future, I am a hundred percent certain scientists will sit down at a computer terminal, design what they want the organism to do, and build it. (Organism Quotes)
I haven’t a clue if there is life on other planets but I’d be charmed if we found a unicellular organism on Mars. It would change our whole concept of life on Earth. (Organism Quotes)
No organism can afford to be conscious of matters with which it could deal at unconscious levels (Organism Quotes)
The newly released movie ‘Noah’ features a retelling of the creation story that clearly depicts Darwinian evolution transforming a single-cell organism into a monkey. The movie also seems to show magic in scenes more reminiscent of the occult than of the Bible story. (Organism Quotes)
There have been low moments before, but Christianity is an incredibly adaptable organism, using different parts of its repertoire to mutate into new ecological niches, yet preserving intact its story of grace, of love improbably triumphant. (Organism Quotes)
The difference between directing film and directing television is so stark simply because TV is a living breathing organism already when you direct an episode. (Organism Quotes)
When we look down at the Earth from space we see this amazing, indescribably beautiful planet; it looks like a living, breathing organism. But it also, at the same time, looks extremely fragile (Organism Quotes)
In a fully functional organism, an emotion has a very short life span. It is like a momentary ripple or wave on the surface of your Being. (Organism Quotes)
The computer model will be replaced by an organic model, in which the brain-mind is embodied - part of a whole, dynamic, living organism: one driven by emotional forces, not only cognitive ones. (Organism Quotes)
It has become inordinately difficult even to begin to think about constructing a naturalistic theory of the evolution of that first reproducing organism, (Organism Quotes)