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Organist Quotes

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When I was growing up, I’d be in the choir. My mum was the organist in the church, so I’d sing in the church  (Organist Quotes) At the age of 16, something happened with my finger and the doctor told me, you never can be a organist or pianist, so think about what you do with music  (Organist Quotes) Even Catholic parishes today are not wanting for talent. But no serious singer or organist will get anywhere near the typical music program, at least if he wants to retain his self-respect  (Organist Quotes) I grew up the son of a Seventh Day Adventist minister, so I was really close to the church and sang church music between sips at my bottle, you know? I sat on the piano bench next to my mother. She was the church organist, so that music is deeply inside of me.  (Organist Quotes) When I was growing up, I’d be in the choir. My mum was the organist in the church, so I’d sing in the church.  (Organist Quotes)