Origin Quotes

Text Quotes
Patience is one of those feminine qualities which have their origin in our oppression but should be preserved after our liberation (Origin Quotes)
In laying hands upon the sacred ark of absolute permanency, in treating the forms that had been regarded as types of fixity and perfection as originating and passing away, the Origin of Species introduced a mode of thinking that in the end was bound to transform the logic of knowledge, and hence the treatment of morals, politics, and religion (Origin Quotes)
The essence of morality is a questioning about morality; and the decisive move of human life is to use ceaselessly all light to look for the origin of the opposition between good and evil (Origin Quotes)
Fluidity means that our black identities are constantly changing as we respond to circumstances in our families and communities of origin, and as we interact with a wider world (Origin Quotes)
Whenever you trace the origin of a skill or practices which played a crucial role in the ascent of man, we usually reach the realm of play (Origin Quotes)
A lot of people in my world - in the acting world - have either lost friends to Aids or live with HIV because its origin in our culture, in New York for instance, was in the gay community (Origin Quotes)
The most detestable wickedness, the most horrid cruelties, and the greatest miseries, that have afflicted the human race have had their origin in this thing called revelation, or revealed religion (Origin Quotes)
Men who shrink from penetration of the female body are paralyzed by justifiable apprehension, since they are returning to our uncanny site of origin (Origin Quotes)
The real source of almost all our crimes, if the trouble is taken to trace them to a common origin, will be found to be in idleness (Origin Quotes)
Sabbath - a weekly festival having its origin in the fact that God made the world in six days and was arrested on the seventh (Origin Quotes)
Ethics is in origin the art of recommending to others the sacrifices required for cooperation with oneself (Origin Quotes)
All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small (Origin Quotes)
There are three principles in a man's being and life, the principle of thought, the principle of speech, and the principle of action. The origin of all conflict between me and my fellow men is that I do not say what I mean and I don't do what I say (Origin Quotes)
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility (Origin Quotes)
All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination (Origin Quotes)
Thus far, women have been the mere echoes of men. Our laws and constitutions, our creeds and codes, and the customs of social life are all of masculine origin. The true woman is as yet a dream of the future (Origin Quotes)
It became Him who created them to set them in order; and if he did so, it is unphilosophical to seek for any other origin of the world, or to pretend that it might arise out of a chaos by the mere laws of Nature (Origin Quotes)
By nation of origin of our people, by 2050, america will be a Third World country. Our great cities will all look like Los Angeles today. Los Angeles and the cities of the Southwest will look like Juarez and Tijuana (Origin Quotes)
It is found by experience that admirable laws and right precedents among the good have their origin in the misdeeds of others (Origin Quotes)
His own opinion, which he does not air, is that the origin of speech lie in song, and the origins of song in the need to fill out with sound the overlarge and rather empty human soul (Origin Quotes)
Because I don't play guitar any more, African harmonies and rhythms have been an inspiration to me. I love the raw origin of the sound. It complements my voice and words naturally (Origin Quotes)
Many works of the ancients have become fragments. Many works of the moderns are fragments at the time of their origin (Origin Quotes)
The stench of the trail of ego in our history. It is ego - ego, the fountain cry, origin, sole source of war (Origin Quotes)
A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots (Origin Quotes)
Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves (Origin Quotes)
Once we got over the origin story, we could really delve deeper into their lives and characters and angst. So this movie actually has more heart, more humor (Origin Quotes)
Science always has its origin in the adaptation of thought to some definite field of experience (Origin Quotes)
There should be a readiness, on our part, to investigate with candor to follow the truth wherever it may lead us, and to submit, without reserve or objection, to all the teachings of this religion, if it be found to be of divine origin (Origin Quotes)
What sense would it make or what would it benfit a physician if he discovered the origin of the diseases but could not cure or alleviate them? (Origin Quotes)
Don’t become a mere recorder of facts, but try to penetrate the mystery of their origin (Origin Quotes)