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Orpheus, with his lute, made trees and the mountain tops that freeze bow themselves, when he did sing

Orpheus, with his lute, made trees and the mountain tops that freeze bow themselves, when he did sing Picture Quote #1

Orpheus, with his lute, made trees and the mountain tops that freeze bow themselves, when he did sing

In William Shakespeare's play "Henry VIII," the character of Orpheus is referenced in Act III, Scene 1, when Queen Katherine describes the music of the lute as having the power to move even the most unyielding of natural elements. She says, "Orpheus, with his lute, made trees / And the mountain tops that freeze / Bow themselves, when he did sing." This line is a testament to the transformative power of music and the ability of a skilled musician to evoke emotions and change the very fabric of the world around them.

Orpheus, a figure from Greek mythology, was known for his exceptional musical talent and his ability to charm even the most savage beasts with his music. According to legend, Orpheus was able to use his lute to tame wild animals, calm raging seas, and even move inanimate objects to dance to his music. His music was said to be so powerful that it could even move the gods themselves.
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