Oscar Wilde Quotes

Text Quotes
No, Ernest, don't talk about action. It is the last resource of those who know not how to dream (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Public Opinion... An attempt to organize the ignorance of the community, and to elevate it to the dignity of physical force (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
I seem to have heard that observation before... It has all the vitality of error and all the tediousness of an old friend (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Temperament is the primary requisite for the critic - a temperament exquisitely susceptible to beauty, and to the various impressions that beauty gives us (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
The exquisite art of idleness, one of the most important things that any University can teach (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Formerly we used to canonise our heroes. The modern method is to vulgarise them. Cheap editions of great books may be delightful, but cheap editions of great men are absolutely detestable (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
What is termed Sin is an essential element of progress. Without it the world would stagnate, or grow old, or become colourless. By it's curiosity Sin increases the experience of the race (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
It is well for our vanity that we slay the criminal, for if we suffered him to live he might show us what we had gained by his crime (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Ah, every day dear Herbert becomes de plus en plus Oscarie. It is wonderful case of nature imitating art (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
The nineteenth century is a turning point in history, simply on account of the work of two men, darwin and Renan, the one the critic of the Book of Nature, the other the critic of the books of God (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one's mind. It becomes a pleasure (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Find expression for a sorrow, and it will become dear to you. Find an expression for joy, and you will intensify it's ecstasy (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the world's original sin. If the caveman had known how to laugh, the world would have been different (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when called upon to act according with the dictates of reason (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Men always want to be a woman's first love. Women have a more subtle instinct: What they like is to be a man's last romance (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Nothing is good in moderation. You cannot know good in anything until you have torn the heart out of it by excess (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
I don't want money. It is only people who pay their bills who want that, and I never pay mine (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
It is only fair to state, with regard to modern journalists, that they always apologize to one in private for what they have written against one in public (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
The only thing one can do with good advice is pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
The aim of the liar is simply to charm, to delight, to give pleasure. He is the very basis of civilized society (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Nothing is so dangerous as being too modern; one is apt to grow old fashioned quite suddenly (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Only people who look dull ever get into the House of Commons, and only people who are dull ever succeed there (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Rich bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Cecil Graham: What is a cynic? Lord Darlington: A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
There is nothing in the whole world so unbecoming to a woman as a Nonconformist conscience (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
When I was young I used to think that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old, I know it is (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Lots of people act well, but few people talk well. This shows that talking is the more difficult of the two (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
My great mistake, the fault for which I can't forgive myself, is that one day I ceased my obstinate pursuit of my own individuality (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
Vulgarity is the conduct of other people, just as falsehoods are the truths of other people (Oscar Wilde Quotes)
She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes. That is always a sign of despair in a woman (Oscar Wilde Quotes)