Other times, other manners

Other times, other manners
The proverb "other times, other manners" is a timeless reminder that customs, behaviors, and attitudes can change over time. It suggests that what may have been acceptable or appropriate in the past may not necessarily be so in the present. This proverb serves as a cautionary tale to not judge or criticize others based on outdated standards or expectations.Throughout history, societal norms and values have evolved significantly. What was once considered normal or even praised in one era may be frowned upon or condemned in another. For example, in the past, it was common for women to be expected to stay at home and take care of the household, while men were the primary breadwinners. However, in today's society, gender roles are much more fluid, and women are encouraged to pursue careers and independence.
Similarly, attitudes towards race, sexuality, and religion have also shifted over time. What was once deemed acceptable discrimination or prejudice is now recognized as harmful and unjust. The proverb "other times, other manners" serves as a reminder that progress and change are inevitable, and it is important to adapt and grow with the times.