Our culture is so fixated on dying and going to heaven when the whole scripture is about heaven coming to earth

Our culture is so fixated on dying and going to heaven when the whole scripture is about heaven coming to earth
N.T. Wright, a prominent theologian and scholar, has long been a vocal advocate for a more nuanced understanding of the Christian concept of heaven. In his work, Wright challenges the prevailing cultural fixation on dying and going to heaven, arguing instead that the true message of scripture is about heaven coming to earth.Wright's perspective is rooted in a deep engagement with the biblical text, particularly the New Testament. He argues that the biblical narrative is not primarily concerned with the afterlife, but rather with the renewal and restoration of all creation. This vision of heaven coming to earth is central to Wright's understanding of the Christian faith, and he believes that it has profound implications for how we live our lives in the here and now.
One of the key themes in Wright's work is the idea of God's kingdom breaking into the world. He argues that the coming of God's kingdom is not something that will only happen in the distant future, but is already underway in the present. This understanding challenges the popular notion of heaven as a far-off destination that we can only reach after death. Instead, Wright suggests that heaven is already beginning to manifest itself on earth, and that we are called to participate in this process of renewal and restoration.
Wright's emphasis on heaven coming to earth has important implications for how we understand our role as Christians in the world. Rather than focusing solely on our own individual salvation, Wright calls us to be active participants in God's work of redemption and reconciliation. This means caring for the environment, working for justice and peace, and seeking to build communities of love and compassion.