Our Family Quotes

Text Quotes
It takes time to build a corporate work of art. It takes time to build a life. And it takes time to develop and grow. So give yourself, your enterprise, and your family the time they deserve and the time they require (Our Family Quotes)
Every threat to the family is a threat to society itself. So protect your families! See in them your country’s greatest treasure and nourish them always by prayer and the grace of the sacraments (Our Family Quotes)
When we’re dealing with money in relationships, when we’re dealing with money in our personal lives, when we’re dealing with money in our families, the flow of money in a family represents the value system under which that family operates (Our Family Quotes)
It’s not that diabetes, heart disease, and obesity runs in your family... It’s that no one runs in you family! (Our Family Quotes)
We too can be saints in our family, in our neighborhood, wherever we live and work. Be a person who listens to what people need, communicating not only to grieve or tell others about your own problems. Listen in order to intercede and help out (Our Family Quotes)
It is the inner peace that can bring peace in our family, in society and ultimately, in the world (Our Family Quotes)
In our families we learn to love and to recognise the dignity of all, especially of the elderly (Our Family Quotes)
It means caring for one another in our families: husbands and wives first protect one another, and then, as parents, they care for their children, and children themselves, in time, protect their parents (Our Family Quotes)
As you get older, you have your tribe of women that you grow and age gracefully with and you share wisdom with. That’s your clan. That’s your family. That’s your strength (Our Family Quotes)
I hope that this man can be won over by your bearing charitably with him, advising him prudently, and praying for him. This is what I do for your family in general and for you in particular (Our Family Quotes)
We women. as glue for the family. lead lives that are important and conflicted. What we women choose to give up for our families is important and valid (Our Family Quotes)
Everybody in our family studied a musical instrument. My father was really big on that. Somehow I only took a year or two of piano lessons and I convinced my father to let me take dancing lessons (Our Family Quotes)
As people get older, we all know, you get married and you have a child and that becomes your family, but when you’re 16 years old, especially, your family is your friends (Our Family Quotes)
We need enormous pockets, pockets big enough for our families and our friends, and even the people who aren’t on our lists, people we’ve never met but still want to protect. We need pockets for boroughs and for cities, a pocket that could hold the universe (Our Family Quotes)
We aren’t in high school. We aren’t really in our families and we aren’t in our houses. Those are the places we grew up and the times we spent together, but they aren’t us. If think they are, then we’re lost, because times end and places are lost. We aren’t any place or any time... We are everywhere (Our Family Quotes)
One of the most effective means for transcending ordinary and moving into the realm of extraordinary is saying yes more frequently and eliminating no almost completely. I call it saying yes to life. Say yes to yourself, to your family, your children, your coworkers, and your business (Our Family Quotes)
We are all engaged in the task of peeling off the false selves, the programmed selves, the selves created by our families, our culture, our religions. It is an enormous task because the history of women has been as incompletely told as the history of blacks (Our Family Quotes)
An nice lady in the back... asked what I thought about how we begin to move forward. I think it is up to each individual, which then moves to your family, which moves to your community. Each person, in their own life, let your life be a light for peace, for justice, for all that is good. Just let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine (Our Family Quotes)
Figure out who you are separate from your family, and the man or woman you’re in a relationship with. Find who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone. I think that’s the most important thing in life. Find a sense of self because with that, you can do anything else (Our Family Quotes)
If you are a genius and unsuccessful, everybody treats you as if you were a genius, but when you come to be successful, when you commence to earn money, when you are really successful, then your family and everybody no longer treats you like a genius, they treat you like a man who has become successful (Our Family Quotes)
We might, either of us, be Queen of England and yet we’ll always be nothing to our family (Our Family Quotes)
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them (Our Family Quotes)
Here's to your good health, and your family's good health, and may you all live long and prosper (Our Family Quotes)
So, have a little fun. Soon enough you'll be dead and burning in Hell with the rest of your family (Our Family Quotes)
Do you have any history of mental illness in your family. I have an uncle who does yoga (Our Family Quotes)
It's not that our family has no taste, it's just that our family's taste is inconsistent (Our Family Quotes)
Don't worry so much where you live but how you live. Make the family of man your family as well (Our Family Quotes)
You can choose your friends, but you sho’ can’t choose your family (Our Family Quotes)
Going home and spending time with your family and your real friends keeps you grounded (Our Family Quotes)
I don’t think quantity time is as special as quality time with your family (Our Family Quotes)