Our last goodbye was never said

Our last goodbye was never said
Our last goodbye was never said. It hangs in the air, a lingering presence that haunts me in the quiet moments of the day. The words that were left unspoken weigh heavily on my heart, a burden that I cannot seem to shake.I replay our last moments together in my mind, searching for any sign that it would be the final time we would see each other. But there was nothing out of the ordinary, no indication that our paths would diverge so suddenly and completely.
We parted ways that day with a casual wave and a promise to catch up soon. But soon never came, and now I am left with the regret of not taking the time to truly say goodbye.
I wonder if you knew that our last goodbye was never said. Did you feel the same sense of unease, the same nagging feeling that something was left unfinished between us? Or did you move on without a second thought, leaving me to grapple with the weight of our unsaid farewell?
I wish I could go back in time and find the courage to speak the words that were left unsaid. To tell you how much you meant to me, how grateful I was for your presence in my life, and how much I would miss you when you were gone.
But time marches on, and I am left with only memories of our time together. I hold onto them tightly, cherishing each moment we shared and wishing that I had the chance to say a proper goodbye.
Our last goodbye was never said, but I hope you know that you will always hold a special place in my heart. And though our paths may never cross again, I will carry the memory of our time together with me always.