Our Memory Quotes

Text Quotes
If you hear a wise sentence or an apt phrase, commit it to your memory (Our Memory Quotes)
Let us digest them; otherwise they enter our memory, but not our minds (Our Memory Quotes)
You lose your immortality when you lose your memory (Our Memory Quotes)
Your presence we miss. Your memory we treasure. Loving you always. Forgetting you never (Our Memory Quotes)
Do not trust your memory, it is a net full of holes, the most beautiful prizes slip through it (Our Memory Quotes)
If you want to test your memory, try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today (Our Memory Quotes)
Our memory is our coherence, our reason, our feeling, even our action. Without it, we are nothing (Our Memory Quotes)
Some studies make such a deep impression on you that they stay etched in your memory forever (Our Memory Quotes)
Say whatever your memory suggests is true; but add nothing and exaggerate nothing (Our Memory Quotes)
Here at last is her smile: burn it into your memory; you won’t see it often (Our Memory Quotes)
Unless we fix certain hours in the day for prayer, it easily slips from our memory (Our Memory Quotes)
Our memory tells us stories, that is, what we get to keep from our experiences is a story (Our Memory Quotes)
First of all, begin to live out of the glory of your imagination, not your memory (Our Memory Quotes)
To have a good memory the first thing you have to do is to trust your memory (Our Memory Quotes)
We worry about losing our memory, yet there are things we wish we could forget (Our Memory Quotes)
What we know of other people’s only our memory of the moments during which we knew them (Our Memory Quotes)
Twenty or thirty years ago, in the army, we had a lot of obscure adventures, and years later we tell them at parties, and suddenly we realize that those two very difficult years of our lives have become lumped together into a few episodes that have lodged in our memory in a standardized form, and are always told in a standardized way, in the same words. But in fact that lump of memories has nothing whatsoever to do with our experience of those two years in the army and what it has made of us (Our Memory Quotes)
When you live out of your memory, you focus on the past. When you live out of your imagination, you focus on the future (Our Memory Quotes)
Our memory is a more perfect world than the universe: it gives back life to those who no longer exist (Our Memory Quotes)
Our memory has no guarantees at all, and yet we bow more often than is objectively justified to the compulsion to believe what it says (Our Memory Quotes)
Memory is identity... You are what you have done; what you have done is in your memory; what you remember defines who you are; when you forget your life you cease to be, even before your death (Our Memory Quotes)
When wasteful war shall statues overturn, and broils root out the work of masonry, nor Mars his sword nor wars quick fire shall burn the living record of your memory (Our Memory Quotes)
Why is it that our memory is good enough to retain the least triviality that happens to us, and yet not good enough to recollect how often we have told it to the same person? (Our Memory Quotes)
I think you just assume that your memory is just sort of a video playback of your experience, but it's nothing like that at all. It's a complete refabrication of an event and a lot of it is made up, because you're filling in spaces (Our Memory Quotes)
Own only what you can always carry with you: know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag (Our Memory Quotes)
What part of our history’s reinvented and under rug swept? What part of your memory is selective and tends to forget? (Our Memory Quotes)
We never stop to consider that our beliefs are only a relative truth that’s always going to be distorted by all the knowledge we have stored in our memory (Our Memory Quotes)
You can find poetry in your everyday life, your memory, in what people say on the bus, in the news, or just what’s in your heart (Our Memory Quotes)
As you get older three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two (Our Memory Quotes)
You have to begin to lose your memory, if only in bits and pieces, to realize that memory is what makes our lives. Life without memory is no life at all... Our memory is our coherence, our reason, our feeling, even our action. Without it we are nothing (Our Memory Quotes)