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Our Mind Quotes

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As in our lives so also in our studies, it is most becoming and most wise, so to temper gravity with cheerfulness, that the former may not imbue our minds with melancholy, nor the latter degenerate into licentiousness  (Our Mind Quotes) Thoughts come into our minds by avenues which we never left open, and thoughts go out of our minds through avenues which we never voluntarily opened  (Our Mind Quotes) To think bad thoughts is really the easiest thing in the world. If you leave your mind to itself it will spiral down into ever increasing unhappiness. To think good thoughts, however, requires effort. This is one of the things that discipline - training - is about  (Our Mind Quotes) The audience changes every night. You're the same person. You have to speak your mind and do the stuff that you think is funny and makes you laugh  (Our Mind Quotes) There are a lot of things that make up a performance, a lot of technical things. It isn't always just about pulling it up from the darkest recesses of your mind or your heart. It's your experience and your observation  (Our Mind Quotes) Old myths, old gods, old heroes have never died. They are only sleeping at the bottom of our mind, waiting for our call. We have need for them. They represent the wisdom of our race  (Our Mind Quotes) Once you've decided that something's absolutely true, you've closed your mind on it, and a closed mind doesn't go anywhere. Question everything. That's what education's all about  (Our Mind Quotes) If you can accept losing you can't win. If you can walk you can run. No one is ever hurt. Hurt is in your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) We are taught to clothe our minds, as we do our bodies, after the fashion in vogue; and it is accounted fantastical or something worse, not to do so  (Our Mind Quotes) Memory is the power to revive again in our minds those ideas which after imprinting have disappeared, or have been laid aside out of sight  (Our Mind Quotes) Flow with whatever is happening and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate  (Our Mind Quotes) Pulling out the chair beneath your mind and watching you fall upon God what else is there for Hafiz to do that is any fun in this world!  (Our Mind Quotes) What you have to do with your mind, when your body is miserable, is to make it think of something else  (Our Mind Quotes) You think you want to know something, and then once you do, all you can think about is erasing it from your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds  (Our Mind Quotes) High calls low and low calls high. I tell you, if you were in such dire straits as I was, you too would elevate your thoughts. The lower you are, the higher your mind will want to soar  (Our Mind Quotes) The lower you are, the higher your mind will want to soar. It was natural that, bereft and desperate as I was, in the throes of unremitting suffering. I should turn to God  (Our Mind Quotes) Be quiet in your mind, quiet in your senses, and also quiet in your body. Then, when all these are quiet, don't do anything. In that state truth will reveal itself to you  (Our Mind Quotes) I think one reason people play golf is it allows them to obsess about something other than the daily crap. It takes your mind off that  (Our Mind Quotes) If you have never changed your mind about some fundamental tenet of your belief, if you have never questioned the basics, and if you have no wish to do so, then you are likely ignorant  (Our Mind Quotes) Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat them in the future  (Our Mind Quotes) The inward battle against our mind, our wounds, and the residues of the past is more terrible than outward battle  (Our Mind Quotes) Remember it all, every insult, every tear. Tattoo it on the inside of your mind. In life, knowledge of poisons is essential. I've told you, nobody becomes an artist unless they have to  (Our Mind Quotes) Whatever you want to do is more than possible. It's what you haven't dreamt of yet that will blow your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and you put the work and time into it. I think your mind really controls everything  (Our Mind Quotes) To be the ultimate team, you must use your body and your mind. Draw up on the resources of your teammates. Choose your steps wisely and you will win. Remember, only teams succeed  (Our Mind Quotes) None of us wanted to be the bass player. In our minds he was the fat guy who always played at the back  (Our Mind Quotes) Being a Christian is more like having your soul possessed by a spirit than having your mind clothed with new beliefs... It is like being haunted by the Holy Ghost  (Our Mind Quotes) We feel that there are so many kids who need adopting. We thought we’d do it after having a couple of our own, but we just changed our mind  (Our Mind Quotes) A lot of young girls think that the opposite of fake is rudeness. And just as ugly as fake is, so is saying whatever is on your mind because it’s the truth  (Our Mind Quotes)
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