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Our Mind Quotes

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If we look into ourselves we discover propensities which declare that our intellects have arisen from a lower form; could our minds be made visible we should find them tailed  (Our Mind Quotes) Painting directly from nature is difficult as things do not remain the same; the camera helps to retain the picture in your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) Your mind just goes to the craziest idea to lure people into the theater, and then you write your script around those elements  (Our Mind Quotes) Shooting clay targets is a very cleansing experience. It’s very relaxing. It takes a lot of concentration. It’s also very social, since you’re usually shooting with friends. You can talk and forget about almost anything else that’s on your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) Everything starts with yourself / with you making up your mind about what you’re going to do with your life. I tell kids that it’s a cruel world, and that the world will bend them either left or right, and it’s up to them to decide which way to bend  (Our Mind Quotes) You know, some of the good part of blog theory was that blogs would be like diaries that the world could read. They would be spontaneous, whatever pops into your mind, as a diary would be  (Our Mind Quotes) When you’re working with a smaller budget I suppose one of the things that has to be in your mind when you are writing is that you have to keep the characters down to a minimum  (Our Mind Quotes) If your mind is at work, we’re in danger of reproducing another cliche. If we can keep our minds out of it and our thoughts out of it, maybe we’ll come up with something original  (Our Mind Quotes) If any player has a bad game its there in the back of your mind in the next game. Theres always a hangover. It is like a wounded animal in a way, as you want to get out there as quick as possible and rectify it  (Our Mind Quotes) The bosses of our mass media, press, radio, film and television, succeed in their aim of taking our minds off disaster. Thus, the distraction they offer demands the antidote of maximum concentration on disaster  (Our Mind Quotes) We must admit with humility that, while number is purely a product of our minds, space has a reality outside our minds, so that we cannot completely prescribe its properties a priori  (Our Mind Quotes) Then going out on the ice usually about 15 minutes before and certain things I would do for the different races, aspects that you run through your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) There exists, if I am not mistaken, an entire world which is the totality of mathematical truths, to which we have access only with our mind, just as a world of physical reality exists, the one like the other independent of ourselves, both of divine creation  (Our Mind Quotes) The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it  (Our Mind Quotes) When our minds as people normally starts to wrap around things, we start to attach all these ideas to it that really aren’t that necessary to the core of it, if you just experience it and kind of go through it  (Our Mind Quotes) I think it is incredibly important to be open and accessible and treat people fairly and look them in the eye and tell them what is on your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) What we value about music and literature are the moments that they create in our minds when we encounter them  (Our Mind Quotes) The only way to find that territory is trying to keep your mind constantly open. That’s the only way that you’re ever going to see the sort of signs of where to go  (Our Mind Quotes) Moral cowardice that keeps us from speaking our minds is as dangerous to this country as irresponsible talk  (Our Mind Quotes) Apart from being interested in a good role, I think it’s necessary to make up your mind as to whether it will make a movie that will entertain an audience all over the world and not just in your own backyard  (Our Mind Quotes) When you strike a blow, do not let your mind dally on it, not concerning yourself with whether or not it is a telling blow; you should strike again and again, over and over, even four or five times. The thing is not to let your opponent even raise his head  (Our Mind Quotes) Our minds are all different and I believe cultivating a keen introspective sensitivity is absolutely essential in discovering our potential  (Our Mind Quotes) One of the most difficult things to contend with in a hospital is that assumption on the part of the staff that because you have lost your gall bladder you have also lost your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) I know that to write you have to have stories you want to tell. You have to keep your mind alive, and you have to work hard  (Our Mind Quotes) The studies indicate that focusing our attention on someone else, takes our mind off of our own problems. We stay healthier and thereby live longer  (Our Mind Quotes) It’s best to leap into something you know you love. You might change your mind later, but that is the privilege of youth  (Our Mind Quotes) The whole point of writing is to have something in your gut or in your soul or in your mind that’s burning to be written  (Our Mind Quotes) When you are in a room and your job is to write jokes 10 hours a day, your mind starts going to strange places  (Our Mind Quotes) To be a surrealist means barring from your mind all remembrance of what you have seen, and being always on the lookout for what has never been  (Our Mind Quotes) In reading, a lonely quiet concert is given to our minds; all our mental faculties will be present in this symphonic exaltation  (Our Mind Quotes)
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