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Our Mind Quotes

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To progress in life you must give up the things you do not like. Give up doing the things that you do not like to do. You must find the things that you do like. The things that are acceptable to your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) You have to change your mind with every orchestra because every orchestra has a different character  (Our Mind Quotes) Just as we descend into our consciences to judge of actions which our minds can not weigh, can we not also search in ourselves for the feeling which gives birth to forms of thought, always vague and cloudy?  (Our Mind Quotes) The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds  (Our Mind Quotes) Perfectionism is simply putting a limit on your future. When you have an idea of perfect in your mind, you open the door to constantly comparing what you have now with what you want. That type of self criticism is significantly deterring  (Our Mind Quotes) The idea of perfect closes your mind to new standards. When you drive hard toward one ideal, you miss opportunities and paths, not to mention hurting your confidence. Believe in your potential and then go out and explore it; don’t limit it  (Our Mind Quotes) Your mind knows only some things. Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything. If you listen to what you know instinctively, it will always lead you down the right path  (Our Mind Quotes) There’s nothing pretty about ice. Ice grows nothing. But we’ve got this in our minds that we’ve got to make everything cold  (Our Mind Quotes) The fear of infinity is a form of myopia that destroys the possibility of seeing the actual infinite, even though it in its highest form has created and sustains us, and in its secondary transfinite forms occurs all around us and even inhabits our minds  (Our Mind Quotes) I am no poet, but if you think for yourselves, as I proceed, the facts will form a poem in your minds  (Our Mind Quotes) Love’s easy to learn. It’s like taking a risk. You set your mind on it and refuse to be afraid, and in no time you feel terrifically exhilarated and all your inhibitions fly out of the window  (Our Mind Quotes) The concept of an independent spiritual realm does not augment, for me, the magic of the mystical dimension, whereas to think of this dimension as emergent from our minds makes it all the more wondrous to be a human  (Our Mind Quotes) At the beginning of every winter people are careful to install storm windows. These extra panes of glass protect their houses against the bitter winds. We do something very similar to protect our minds through the practice of meditation  (Our Mind Quotes) If you learn to go beyond the jabbering of your mind, and can go to the deeper aspects of your consciousness, then body, breath, and mind will not come in your way  (Our Mind Quotes) The peace you seek is there, it’s there between all the traffic in your mind, stop and rest for peace will find you if you let it  (Our Mind Quotes) A general and a bit of shooting makes you forget your troubles... it takes your mind off the cost of living  (Our Mind Quotes) Why do we spend years using up our bodies to nurture our minds with experience and find our minds turning then to our exhausted bodies for solace?  (Our Mind Quotes) I admire people who are suited to the contemplative life. They can sit inside themselves like honey in a jar and just be. It’s wonderful to have someone like that around, you always feel you can count on them. You can go away and come back, you can change your mind and your hairdo and your politics, and when you get through doing all these upsetting things, you look around and there they are, just the way they were, just being  (Our Mind Quotes) Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts. For out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment, of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built  (Our Mind Quotes) You’ve got to watch your mind all the time or you’ll awaken and find a strange picture on your press  (Our Mind Quotes) Tennis can be a grind and there’s always the danger of going stale if you think about it too much. You can get embittered if you train too hard and have nothing else on your mind. You have to be able to relax between matches and between tournaments  (Our Mind Quotes) When speaking to young people, I tell them that it is important to make sure that your mind is right, so you will have something to fall back on  (Our Mind Quotes) You are the person who has to decide. Whether you’ll do it or toss it aside; You are the person who makes up your mind. Whether you’ll lead or will linger behind. Whether you’ll try for the goal that’s afar. Or just be contented to stay where you are  (Our Mind Quotes) The only laws of matter are those that our minds must fabricate and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter  (Our Mind Quotes) When you walk on a court, clear your mind of everything unrelated to the goal of playing the match as well as you can  (Our Mind Quotes) Knowledge cannot be stolen from us. It cannot be bought or sold. We may be poor, and the sheriff may come and sell our furniture, or drive away our cow, or take our pet lamb, and leave us homeless and penniless; but he cannot lay the law’s hand upon the jewelry of our minds  (Our Mind Quotes) I know it’s a cliche, but the whole family is just whacked. I mean, we’re all out of our minds. They’re the funniest, most eccentric bizarre people I’ve ever met, my siblings  (Our Mind Quotes) Radio, which was a much better medium than television will ever be, was easy and pleasant to listen to. Your mind filled automatically with images  (Our Mind Quotes) I focus on having a feminine body, a dancer’s body. I do resistance and dance and cardio. I like hiking, swimming, being active. It clears your mind and it’s a good way to decompress  (Our Mind Quotes) When walking, you see things that you miss in a motor car or on the train. You give your mind space to ponder  (Our Mind Quotes)
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