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Our Mind Quotes

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You are as happy as you make up your mind to be  (Our Mind Quotes) Project your mind into your subject until you actually live in it  (Our Mind Quotes) Give your mind as long as possible to come up with something original  (Our Mind Quotes) What pleases our mind is not dangerous enough  (Our Mind Quotes) Follow your heart and your mind will create  (Our Mind Quotes) Keep your mind young by continuing to learn about your business  (Our Mind Quotes) Your mind is on vacation and your mouth is working overtime  (Our Mind Quotes) Short term memory makes no difference if you’ve lost your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) Computers are like a bicycle for our minds  (Our Mind Quotes) Take the kinks out your mind, not your hair  (Our Mind Quotes) As you engage your mind in the scriptures, your mind will become pure  (Our Mind Quotes) What makes you tough is your mindset and I believe anyone can be tough  (Our Mind Quotes) Uplift, your mind is a gift  (Our Mind Quotes) Treat your mind like your money, don’t waste it  (Our Mind Quotes) Our minds are as much given to laziness as our bodies  (Our Mind Quotes) There is no war so important that to win it, we must destroy our minds  (Our Mind Quotes) The fact we get played on the radio now blows our minds  (Our Mind Quotes) Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free  (Our Mind Quotes) Yoga is the best tool to help you change your mind about your body  (Our Mind Quotes) A belief is an idea around which we close our minds  (Our Mind Quotes) At every moment where language can’t go, that’s your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) To be tired it is only in your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) We have invented sex guilt to take our minds off the real thing  (Our Mind Quotes) You believe that you are your mind. This is the delusion  (Our Mind Quotes) Love is reality, fear is an illusory concept created in your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) Always be ready to release your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) I think its good to stimulate your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) Our minds are the most mysterious things about us  (Our Mind Quotes) Your look reflects whats happening in your mind  (Our Mind Quotes) You have the right to speak your mind  (Our Mind Quotes)
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