Our Prayers Quotes

Text Quotes
If we are a people who pray, darkness is apt to be a lot of what our prayers are about. If we are people who do not pray, it is apt to be darkness in one form or another that has stopped our mouths (Our Prayers Quotes)
You don’t love in your enemies what they are, but what you would have them become by your prayers (Our Prayers Quotes)
Prayers are prophecies. They are the best predictors of your spiritual future. Who you become is determined by how you pray. Ultimately, the transcript of your prayers becomes the script of your life (Our Prayers Quotes)
If you make your prayers an expression of gratitude and thanksgiving for the blessings you have already received, instead of requests for what you do not have, you will obtain results a great deal faster (Our Prayers Quotes)
I feel bad because I haven’t been able to say anything to the fans to let them no why I’ve been absent. I’m torn as I’m quite private. I’m not feeling well. I’m having some health issues. So please keep me in your prayers (Our Prayers Quotes)
If he is infinitely good, what reason should we have to fear him? If he is infinitely wise, what doubts should we have concerning our future? If he knows all, why warn him of our needs and fatigue him with our prayers? If he is everywhere, why erect temples to him? If he is just, why fear that he will punish the creatures that he has filled with weaknesses? (Our Prayers Quotes)
I strongly suspect that if we saw all the difference even the tiniest of our prayers make, and all the people those... prayers were destined to affect... we would be so paralyzed with awe... that we would be unable to get up off our knees for the rest of our lives (Our Prayers Quotes)
I just want to say to fans in every corner of the earth, every nationality, every race, every language: I love you from the bottom of my heart. I would love your prayers and your goodwill, and please be patient and be with me and believe in me because I am completely, completely innocent. But please know a lot of conspiracy is going on as we speak (Our Prayers Quotes)
God does not give heed to the ambitiousness of our prayers, because he is always ready to give to us his light, not a visible light but an intellectual and spiritual one; but we are not always ready to receive it when we turn aside and down to other things out of a desire for temporal things (Our Prayers Quotes)
Yet, when we must put aside our wrath, quench our envy, soften our anger, offer our prayers, and show a disposition which is reasonable, mild, kindly, and loving, how could poverty stand in our way? For we accomplish these things not by spending money but by making the correct choice (Our Prayers Quotes)
God will excuse our prayers for ourselves whenever we are prevented from them by being occupied in such good works as to entitle us to the prayers of others (Our Prayers Quotes)
Did we perfectly know the state of our own condition, and what was most proper for us, we might have reason to conclude our prayers not heard if not answered (Our Prayers Quotes)
Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers (Our Prayers Quotes)
If they are wrong they need your prayers all the more; and if they are your enemies, then you are under orders to pray for them. That is one of the rules common to the whole house (Our Prayers Quotes)
For one priceless moment in the whole history of man, all of the people on this earth are truly one. One in their pride at what you have done, one in our prayers that you will return safely to earth (Our Prayers Quotes)
God does say He will graciously entertain our prayers. He says that if we exercise faith, and if our request is in accordance with His will, He will hear us (Our Prayers Quotes)
The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers (Our Prayers Quotes)
My Rama, the Rama of our prayers, is not the historical Rama, the son of Dasharatha, the king of Ayodhya (Our Prayers Quotes)
We are so sorry to hear the sad news. He(She) will be Always in our thoughts, Forever in our prayers Eternally in our memorie (Our Prayers Quotes)
Its so very hard, to know just what to say, except that you are thought of, in our prayers and sympathy (Our Prayers Quotes)
Today is a very sad day, and there’s not alot we can do, except just to let you know, you are in our prayers and all our love and thoughts are with you (Our Prayers Quotes)
Have faith, keep praying and be thankful! Remember: God’s answers are wiser than your prayers (Our Prayers Quotes)