Our Thoughts Quotes

Text Quotes
Awareness is our true self; it’s what we are. So we don’t have to try to develop awareness; we simply need to notice how we block awareness with our thoughts, our fantasies, our opinions, and our judgments. We’re either in awareness, which is our natural state, or we’re doing something else (Our Thoughts Quotes)
In physical science a first essential step in the direction of learning any subject is to find principles of numerical reckoning and practicable methods for measuring some quality connected with it. I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be (Our Thoughts Quotes)
Let heaven fill your thoughts instead. Because when you do, everything on earth gets placed in its proper perspective (Our Thoughts Quotes)
For introverts, to be alone with our thoughts is as restorative as sleeping, as nourishing as eating (Our Thoughts Quotes)
It is good to come to a country you know practically nothing about. Your thoughts grow still, useless. Everything must be rebuilt. In a country you know nothing about, there is no reference point. You struggle to associate colors, smells, dim memories. You live a little like a child, or an animal. Objects and events may bring things to mind, but in the end they remain no more than what they are in fact. They begin only when you experience them, vanish when others follow (Our Thoughts Quotes)
It is all up to us. We are the ones who have to keep looking at our thoughts, looking for the nature of our mind. there is nobody else in control of our lives, our experiences, our freedom or our bondage (Our Thoughts Quotes)
You have to communicate on a much greater scale. With a camera, you can use the flick of an eye. On stage, a lot of other things are happening that can pull focus or energy. You’re always thinking the same way, but you have to amplify your thoughts with the volume of your speech and the ways you use your whole body to communicate what you’re feeling. It’s a little bit different from film (Our Thoughts Quotes)
There is great worth in holding universal truths and timelessly beautiful words in your heart, which will stay there forever, infusing your thoughts and speech… (Our Thoughts Quotes)
Haven’t we all, as time continues, found that we must be kind to ourselves and listen to our thoughts, because fewer and fewer of those remain who know what is most real to us? (Our Thoughts Quotes)
Do not believe your thoughts, neither when they tell you that you are terrible, nor when they tell you that you are a saint (Our Thoughts Quotes)
When you don’t take an aggressive role in shaping your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions, you become a helpless passenger floating through the universe like a ghost ship, merely reacting to wherever it takes you (Our Thoughts Quotes)
There’s something within you that knows what to do. There is a power greater than you that knows how to take care of you without your help. All you’ve got to do is to surrender to it. Surrender your thoughts, your mind, your ego, to the current that knows the way. It will take care of you. It will take better care of you than you can ever imagine (Our Thoughts Quotes)
Two things to remember in life: take care of your thoughts when you are alone, and take are of your words when you are with people (Our Thoughts Quotes)
If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts. We can always replace negative with positive (Our Thoughts Quotes)
We do not truly own our thoughts or experiences until we have negotiated them with ourselvesand for this writing is the prime medium (Our Thoughts Quotes)
Pictures rule, but words define, explain, express, direct, and hold together our thoughts and what we know (Our Thoughts Quotes)
When you really love someone, you think about him all the time. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, he never completely leaves your thoughts. When you’re apart, you want to be with him. When you’re together, you’re conscious of every move he makes, every word he says, and every breath he takes. Just the sight of him makes your heart race and your mouth go dry. And when he touches you, the rest of the world disappears (Our Thoughts Quotes)
We have the freedom to excel or inhibit our potential. You are the grand designer of your thoughts and emotions. At some level or another you are the one who chooses which thoughts to accept and which ones to ignore. That can be a very empower realization (Our Thoughts Quotes)
I have always been interested in conducting research that yielded new methods by which to make cloth, and in developing new materials that combine craftsmanship and new technology. But the most important thing for me is to show that, ultimately, technology is not the most important tool; it is our brains, our thoughts, our hands, our bodies, which express the most essential things (Our Thoughts Quotes)
We can want peace, but unless we are spiritually at peace ourselves, we don’t mean it. It is our thoughts which keep that part of the universe where each of us stand out of or in balance (Our Thoughts Quotes)
The more we make an effort to keep our thoughts positive, the more pleasurable our journey in life will be (Our Thoughts Quotes)
Whenever you notice your thoughts detour into attack mode, say out loud or to yourself: Happiness is a choice I make (Our Thoughts Quotes)
Nature is shy and noncommittal in a crowd. To learn her secrets, visit her alone or with a single friend, at most. Everything evades you, everything hides, even your thoughts escape you, when you walk in a crowd (Our Thoughts Quotes)
The library will endure; it is the universe... We walk the corridors, searching the shelves and rearranging them, looking for lines of meaning amid leagues of cacophony and incoherence, reading the history of the past and of the future, collecting our thoughts and collecting the thoughts of others, and every so often glimpsing mirrors, in which we may recognize creatures of the information (Our Thoughts Quotes)
Happiness is the harvest of a quiet mind. Anchor your thoughts on peace, poise, security and divine guidance and your mind will be productive of happiness (Our Thoughts Quotes)
The mind is malleable. Our life can be greatly transformed by even a minimal change in how we manage our thoughts and perceive and interpret the world. Happiness is a skill. It requires effort and time (Our Thoughts Quotes)
You don’t want to block your thoughts, emotions, and so on; nor do you want to chase after them. If you chase after them, if you let them lead you, they begin to define you, and you lose your ability to respond openly and spontaneously in the present moment. On the other hand, if you attempt to block your thoughts, your mind can become quite tight and small (Our Thoughts Quotes)
Successful improvisation is mostly a matter of taking your thoughts out of the equation, because thinking can keep the magic from happening. You have to be open enough to let the magic happen, instead of trying to make it happen because magic is never made (Our Thoughts Quotes)
It’s not the situation that’s causing your stress, it’s your thoughts, and you can change that right here and now. You can choose to be peaceful right here and now. Peace is a choice, and it has nothing to do with what other people do or think (Our Thoughts Quotes)
If you cannot be the master of your language, you must be its slave. If you cannot examine your thoughts, you have no choice but to think them, however silly they may be (Our Thoughts Quotes)