Our World Quotes

Text Quotes
There are five known gyres spinning around in our world’s oceans. A gyre is a slowly moving spiral of currents created by a high pressure system of air currents. A spinning soup, so to speak, is made of what exists in the water. And in this case, the gyres are spinning with millions of tons of our discarded and forgotten about plastic waste! (Our World Quotes)
This is our world and we need the same things to survive. If I’m making my life better and the circumstances of your life worse, that’s terrible because in the end it will affect me, too (Our World Quotes)
When you tour with a band, you’re just out there, and it’s just you guys. That’s your little universe. If you do a play, it’s the same deal. That becomes your world, for the cast and crew (Our World Quotes)
We are entering an era of heightened disaster, thanks to climate change. Being prepared for disaster will mean being prepared to sift truth from rumour, and being prepared to adjust our worldview (Our World Quotes)
Having a profile means you have to be cautious of who you let into your world, as you don’t know if they’re being genuine or not, but it’s more that it can be a strain on your relationships (Our World Quotes)
It is people who pause to appreciate life and give thanks who are happiest. If we change our thoughts, we change our world! Love and peace to you all (Our World Quotes)
We can reach our world, if we will. The greatest lack today is not people or funds. The greatest need is prayer (Our World Quotes)
At the beginning of a meditation session your thoughts will be relatively earthbound. You will think about yourself, your world, problems, difficulties and anxieties (Our World Quotes)
It is through our technology that we have been able to fly far away from earth to learn, in truth, how precious it is. It is no coincidence that our awakening to the special nature of our world and to its uniquely balanced environment and its limitations coincided with our first glimpse of earth from outer space, through the eyes of astronauts, television cameras and photographic equipment (Our World Quotes)
Behold a universe so immense that I am lost in it. I no longer know where I am. I am just nothing at all. Our world is terrifying in its insignificance (Our World Quotes)
The upheaval of our world and the upheaval in consciousness is one and the same. Everything becomes relative and therefore doubtful. And while man, hesitant and questioning, contemplates... his spirit yearns for an answer that will allay the turmoil of doubt and uncertainty (Our World Quotes)
It is not love of self but hatred of self which is at the root of the troubles that afflict our world (Our World Quotes)
Every once in a while your world stands still... There are certain friendships that are so important they leave a mark on you long after the person is gone (Our World Quotes)
A calculated, malignant, devastating evil has arisen in our world,... Civilization cannot ignore the wrongs that have been done. America will not tolerate their being repeated. Justice has a new mission, a new calling against an old evil (Our World Quotes)
I have always tried to maintain a sense of humanity in my work, to create something that will take on its own personality but also reflect something about our world (Our World Quotes)
When you see something that is broken, fix it. When you find something that is lost, return it. When you see something that needs to be done, do it. In that way, you will take care of your world and repair creation (Our World Quotes)
Reality is what you believe it to be. It’s what you put your thought and energy into, because your hands physically manifest thought. So your world becomes what you feel and what you think (Our World Quotes)
While notable advances in certain parts of the world in woman’s rights have occured in the last hundred years, the centuries of conditioning and the mentality that views women as inferior still prevade our world today (Our World Quotes)
Aren’t we grateful for our brains, that can take this electrical impulse that comes from light energy and use it to explore our world? Aren’t we grateful that we have hearts that can feel these vibrations, in order for us to allow ourselves to feel the pleasure and beauty of nature? (Our World Quotes)
If then, your world be such a baffling riddle, it is because you are that baffling riddle. And if your speech be such a woeful maze, it is because you are that woeful maze (Our World Quotes)
Why do we love the idea that people might be secretly working together to control and organise the world? Because we don’t like to face the fact that our world runs on a combination of chaos, incompetence and confusion (Our World Quotes)
It was a strange lightness, a drifting feeling. Zero gravity. I understood that everything that once seemed solid and immovable might just float away. And that this was a truth of life, not an illusion in the grieving mind of a child. Everything that is hard and heavy in your world is made up of billions of molecules in constant motion offering the illusion of permanence. But it all tends toward breaking down and falling away. Some things just go more quickly, more surprisingly, than others (Our World Quotes)
There’s a purity to the struggle to reach a peak. You leave your world behind and take only what you need. For a creature like me there is nothing closer to redemption (Our World Quotes)
In some ways we live in a world where things appear to be very logical, very rational, and mechanical aspects of our world are rather scientific and rather straightforward (Our World Quotes)
If we knew we were not alone in the universe it would have a very, very deep impact on our worldview, on our understanding of our place in the universe (Our World Quotes)
As screenwriters, we struggle with our own success. We have wallpapered our world and now we can’t get anyone to notice the picture we just hung (Our World Quotes)
No, every person on this planet has darkness inside them. Buried so deep that only you know it’s there when your world is coming to an end. Oh, but it’s there. It’s always there (Our World Quotes)
Ours is a time of anxiety because we have willed it to be so. Our anxiety is not imposed on us by force from outside. We impose it on our world and upon one another from within ourselves (Our World Quotes)
For all the cruelty and hardship of our world, we are not mere prisoners of fate. Our actions matter, and can bend history in the direction of justice (Our World Quotes)
Absolute peace in our world is an unattainable goal. But it is one towards which we must continue to journey, our eyes fixed on it as a traveller in a desert fixes his eyes on the one guiding star that will lead him to salvation (Our World Quotes)