Our World Quotes

Text Quotes
The way in which we think of ourselves has everything to do with how our world sees us and how we can see ourselves successfully acknowledged by that world (Our World Quotes)
Who owns your time owns your mind. Change your time and you change your mind. Change your mind and you change your world (Our World Quotes)
Increasingly, search is our mechanism for how we understand ourselves, our world, and our place within it (Our World Quotes)
If you must have a rule to follow, I would suggest cultivating a dialogue with your inner voice... If you listen to the clues your own images offer, the resulting work will be fresh, and authentic. Fall in love with your world (Our World Quotes)
The better we are at accepting the limits of our world, the more easily we can embrace what we have (Our World Quotes)
Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It’s global warming. It’s ruining our country. It’s ruining our world (Our World Quotes)
Guard your light and protect it. Move it forward into the world and be fully confident that if we connect light to light to light, and join the lights together of the one billion young people in our world today, we will be enough to set our whole planet aglow (Our World Quotes)
Governments do not have the answers. Indeed quite the reversal. A lot of times they not only do not have the answers, they themselves are the problem. If we are committed to helping our world’s children, then we must begin to create solutions from the bottom up (Our World Quotes)
There is so much each one of us can do to make a difference. We are at a dangerous juncture in the history of mankind... We need to defend our principles and values, human rights, civil liberties and the rule of international law. If we don’t our world will further descend into a state of chaos (Our World Quotes)
The recognition of the law of the cause and effect, also known as karma, is a fundamental key to understand how you’ve created your world, with actions of your body, speech and mind. When you truly understand karma, then you realize you are responsible for everything in your life. It is incredibly empowering to know that your future is in your hands (Our World Quotes)
Thus, the question of how and when to start vagabonding is not really a question at all. Vagabonding starts now. Even if the practical reality of travel is still months or years away, vagabonding begins the moment you stop making excuses, start saving money, and begin to look at maps with the narcotic tingle of possibility. From here, the reality of vagabonding comes into sharper focus as you adjust your worldview and begin to embrace the exhilarating uncertainty that true travel promises (Our World Quotes)
Assume that your worldview is not borne by the public. More than that: Do not assume that those who think differently are idiots. Before you distrust them, question your own assumptions (Our World Quotes)
I say to the grownups, if you want to deny evolution and live in your world, that’s completely inconsistent with the world we observe, that’s fine. But don’t make your kids do it. Because we need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future. We need engineers that can build stuff and solve problems (Our World Quotes)
Remember that you create your world. It’s not what happens to you, but how you choose to deal with it (Our World Quotes)
Each person comes to have this musical experience, this moment with us, where they get to sink into our world for a little while. It’s this very unhurried world. It’s fairly quiet, it’s contemplative, but it can be quite panoramic. I think people think interesting thoughts at our shows, and they go rather deeply into some personal experience of their own. I’m really proud that our music seems to connect, because it’s not for everybody. But for the people that our music works for, it really gets down pretty deep in there (Our World Quotes)
Travel is the best investment you can make in yourself. It teaches you that there are many ways to live a good, fulfilled life. It broadens your world view, yet makes you appreciate home all the more (Our World Quotes)
I’ve never known a writer who didn’t feel ill at ease in the world. We all feel unhoused in some sense. That’s part of why we write. We feel we don’t fit in, that this world is not our world, that though we may move in it, we’re not of it. You don’t need to write a novel if you feel at home in the world (Our World Quotes)
I seldom feel trapped by my world. Setting up rules and restrictions is part of the process. It gives your world shape. I always look at these things like haiku: you have to work within certain parameters, but within them, you’re completely free (Our World Quotes)
The ritual sacrifice of children has been taboo for thousands of years. Yet tragically it is practiced every day across our world. We sacrifice children on the altars of our most destructive sins. When the sickness of pornography has run to its most evil and destructive end, it takes the form of child pornography. When prostitution reaches its sickest, most depraved form, it becomes child prostitution (Our World Quotes)
We absolutely must battle with every bit of determination we can muster to root out the harm that would warp the souls and spirits of children in our world (Our World Quotes)
Two of the greatest hungers in our world today are the hunger for spirituality and the hunger for social change. The connection between the two is the one the world is waiting for, especially the new generation. And the first hunger will empower the second (Our World Quotes)
We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world (Our World Quotes)
There are some words that once spoken will split the world in two. There would be the life before you breathed them and then the altered life after they’d been said. They take a long time to find, words like that. They make you hesitate. Choose with care. Hold on to them unspoken for as long as you can just so your world will stay intact (Our World Quotes)
It is only that my illusion is more real to me than reality. And so do we often build our world on an error, and cry out that the universe is falling to pieces, if any one but lift a finger to replace the error by truth (Our World Quotes)
Poetry, plays, novels, music, they are the cry of the human spirit trying to understand itself and make sense of our world (Our World Quotes)
There is much that women can bring into politics that would make our world a kinder, gentler place for humanity to thrive in (Our World Quotes)
Everyday there are people in our world that do absolutely amazing things. People of all ages are very capable of doing tremendous, courageous things in spite of their fear (Our World Quotes)
The very act of writing assumes, to begin with, that someone cares to hear what you have to say. It assumes that people share, that people can be reached, that people can be touched and even in some cases changed. So many of the things in our world lead us to despair. It seems to me that the final symptom of despair is silence, and that storytelling is one of the sustaining arts; it’s one of the affirming arts. A writer may have a certain pessimism in his outlook, but the very act of being a writer seems to me to be an optimistic act (Our World Quotes)
So we are left with a stark choice: allow climate disruption to change everything about our world, or change pretty much everything about our economy to avoid that fate. But we need to be very clear: because of our decades of collective denial, no gradual, incremental options are now available to us (Our World Quotes)
Stop being so fruitlessly busy and dream. Use your imagination. Reach out into the unknown and dream of how you can enlarge your experience and improve your mind and your soul and your world (Our World Quotes)