Out of all the lies I've told "Just Kidding" is my favorite

Out of all the lies I've told "Just Kidding" is my favorite
Lies are a common part of human interaction. Whether it's a white lie to spare someone's feelings or a more serious deception to cover up a mistake, we all tell lies at some point in our lives. However, there is one lie that stands out among the rest as a personal favorite - "Just Kidding."The phrase "Just Kidding" is often used as a way to backtrack on a statement that may have been taken the wrong way or to lighten the mood after a joke that may have been taken too seriously. It's a way to soften the blow of a potentially hurtful comment or to make it clear that what was said was not meant to be taken seriously. In this way, "Just Kidding" can be seen as a way to protect ourselves from the consequences of our words.
But why is this particular lie my favorite? Perhaps it's because it allows me to maintain a sense of humor in situations where tensions may be running high. By using the phrase "Just Kidding," I can diffuse a potentially awkward or uncomfortable situation and bring a sense of levity to the conversation. It allows me to save face and avoid any potential conflict that may arise from a poorly chosen comment.
Additionally, "Just Kidding" can also be a way to test the waters and gauge someone's reaction to a particular statement. By making a bold or controversial statement and then following it up with "Just Kidding," I can see how the other person responds and adjust my approach accordingly. It's a way to push boundaries and see how far I can go without causing offense.
Of course, using "Just Kidding" as a way to lie or deceive is not always a good thing. It can be manipulative and hurtful if used in the wrong way. However, when used in the right context and with good intentions, it can be a useful tool for navigating social interactions and maintaining a sense of humor in difficult situations.