Outcome Quotes

Text Quotes
If you have confidence in your own words, aspirations, thoughts, and actions and do your very best, you will have no need to regret the outcome of what you do. Fear and trembling are lot of the person who, while stinting effort, hopes that everything will come out precisely as he wants (Outcome Quotes)
Optimism is when you’re not sure where life is going to take you, so naturally you anticipate the best possible outcome (Outcome Quotes)
The greater the prevalence of positive thoughts, the more likely you are to receive a positive outcome (Outcome Quotes)
If this really is true, then greed really isn’t good, after all. It really isn’t the way to maximize the best possible outcome. We really do need to come together and act collectively. Government isn’t always the problem. It’s sometimes the solution. And, so their whole intellectual scaffolding collapses. So, they’d rather deny the science (Outcome Quotes)
There is no scientific evidence that doing over 10 percent of births with a cesarean improves the outcome for the woman or improves the outcome for the baby (Outcome Quotes)
The outcome of this culture of discrimination is that young people are routinely denied the roles in society they can, should, and need to be occupying (Outcome Quotes)
It’s hard to see a river all at once, especially in the mountains. Down on the plains, rivers run in their course as straightforward as time, channeled toward the sea. But up in the headwaters, a river isn’t a point where you stand. In the beginnings of the river, you teeter on the edge of a hundred tiny watersheds where one drop of water is always tipping the balance from one stream to another. History changes with each tiny event, shaping an outcome that we can only fully grasp in hindsight. And that view changes as we move farther downstream (Outcome Quotes)
I wouldn’t wanna fight me, because I know it wouldn’t be a good outcome for both (Outcome Quotes)
Storytelling is at the heart of life... In finding our own story, we assemble all the parts of ourselves. Whatever kind of mess we have made of it, we can somehow see the totality of who we are and recognize how our blunderings are related. We can own what we did and value who we are, not because of the outcome but because of the soul story that propelled us (Outcome Quotes)
Live in constant gratitude. No matter what the condition today, no matter how dark, how dreary, how painful and difficult... to day is merely the passing outcome of yesterday’s nonsense. How you feel today, and what you give your attention to, builds tomorrow (Outcome Quotes)
Set a goal, write it down, and release the outcome. Small steps make a big difference (Outcome Quotes)
The most we can hope for is to create the best possible conditions for success, then let go of the outcome. The ride is a lot more fun that way (Outcome Quotes)
A break in the established order is never the work of chance. It is the outcome of a man’s resolve to turn life to account (Outcome Quotes)
I possess the greatest power ever bestowed upon mankind, the power of choice. Today, I choose to persist without exception. No longer will I live in a dimension of distraction, my focus blown hither and yon like a leaf on a blustery day. I know the outcome I desire. I hold fast to my dreams. I stay the course. I do not quit (Outcome Quotes)
The journey is the destination. The process you’re in is the goal. Success is never defined by the outcome but by the process (Outcome Quotes)
True power arises in knowing what you want, knowing what you don’t want, expressing it clearly and lovingly without attachment to the outcome (Outcome Quotes)
Perhaps... some day the precision of the data will be brought so far that the mathematician will be able to calculate at his desk the outcome of any chemical combination, in the same way, so to speak, as he calculates the motions of celestial bodies (Outcome Quotes)
Every time a champion makes a decision they have a chance to learn something new, regardless of the outcome (Outcome Quotes)
View a stumbling block as a learning opportunity. If you allow it to defeat you, it will. Honestly, if I give everything I have, I can’t be disappointed with the outcome (Outcome Quotes)
Gratitude based on a faith that everything that happens or doesn’t happen in your life is for your own best interests. That we live in a purposeful universe. Life is always for you; it is never against you. It is a fact that blessings sometimes come wrapped in fear, pain, and tears. In choosing to practice unconditional gratitude you are choosing to trust the process, to honor your feelings and to place your faith in an outcome of inevitable grace (Outcome Quotes)
Audiences like to be challenged and to be actively involved and try to guess an outcome (Outcome Quotes)
Chavez will hit the canvas. He will be sitting in his corner, or with the doctor or referee stopping the fight. There’s no other outcome (Outcome Quotes)
When a physician is called to a patient, he should decide on the diagnosis, then the prognosis, and then the treatment... Physicians must know the evolution of the disease, its duration and gravity in order to predict its course and outcome. Here statistics intervene to guide physicians, by teaching them the proportion of mortal cases, and if observation has also shown that the successful and unsuccessful cases can be recognized by certain signs, then the prognosis is more certain (Outcome Quotes)
Every good teaching may still end up producing evil bandits who have no principles whatsoever, an outcome even more likely when the teacher is also a bandit (Outcome Quotes)
It is no exaggeration to say that since the 1980s, much of the global financial sector has become criminalised, creating an industry culture that tolerates or even encourages systematic fraud. The behaviour that caused the mortgage bubble and financial crisis of 2008 was a natural outcome and continuation of this pattern, rather than some kind of economic accident (Outcome Quotes)
When investors, particularly investment bankers, talk about splitting up companies, there’s a lot of discussion about multiple expansion, and the reality is multiple expansion is an outcome, not a strategy (Outcome Quotes)
Every endeavour pursued with passion produces a successful outcome, regardless of the result. For it is not about winning or losing – rather, the effort put forth in producing the outcome (Outcome Quotes)
My investigation of movement has led me to choices which vary from traditional norms. My dancers and I see the rehearsal as a laboratory for testing scientific principles on the body. We invent action ideas which we think are archetypal, noticeable, understandable. The outcome is a mixture of slam dancing, exquisite and amazing human flight and a wild action sport which captures kids, older people and the general public’s hearts and minds and bodies (Outcome Quotes)
Patiently persevere in the face of hardship hoping for a good outcome because you never know how many dead hearts you will bring to life in the process. No hardship lasts forever. There is always an end (Outcome Quotes)
In a war, no matter the outcome of a certain skirmish or battle, the winner is the party whose attitudes, behaviors and preoccupations come to dominate the postwar landscape. By this measure, the outcome of the gender wars, if wars they were, is clear: women won (Outcome Quotes)