Outcomes Quotes

Text Quotes
Leaders cannot work in a vacuum. They may take on larger, seemingly more important roles in an organization, but this does not exclude them from asking for and using feedback. In fact, a leader arguably needs feedback more so than anyone else. It’s what helps a leader respond appropriately to events in pursuit of successful outcomes. (Outcomes Quotes)
It is a very bad idea for governments to create arbitrary and unfair outcomes, or outcomes resulting from the passions and whims of the government rather than from the law, just because they have the power to do so. (Outcomes Quotes)
The math works. Over the course of a season, there’s some predictability to baseball. When you play 162 games, you eliminate a lot of random outcomes. There’s so much data that you can predict: individual players’ performances and also the odds that certain strategies will pay off. (Outcomes Quotes)
I overthink everything. I’m very keen there should be a positive outcome. I like to control outcomes. But you can’t. That’s what is nice about being an actor, that you work really hard and it pays off. But at the end of the day, for it to be any good, you have to let go. I’d like to be better at this in life. (Outcomes Quotes)
I used to pride myself on being the first in the office in the morning and one of the last to leave at night. Now, that’s so dated: It’s not about effort, it’s about outcomes. (Outcomes Quotes)
When you begin your transcendental training, focusing your best efforts, without attachment to outcomes, you will understand the peaceful warrior’s way. (Outcomes Quotes)
Future strong is relationship-driven and joyful.Its best bet is on people. Its outcomes create joyfor others and ourselves. (Outcomes Quotes)
Simply expanding Medicaid does not improve health care outcomes. In Louisiana, instead we’re helping people getting better paying jobs so they can provide for their own health care. (Outcomes Quotes)
Smart financial planning - such as budgeting, saving for emergencies, and preparing for retirement - can help households enjoy better lives while weathering financial shocks. Financial education can play a key role in getting to these outcomes. (Outcomes Quotes)
If racism is not the whole of the Tea Party, it is in its heart, along with blind hatred, a total disinterest in the welfare of others, and a full-flowered self-rationalizing refusal to accept the outcomes of elections, or the reality of democracy, or the narrowness of their minds and the equal narrowness of their public support. (Outcomes Quotes)
Nearly every business collects metrics on inventory, sales, and workplace process. Health care has been slow to measure these kinds of outcomes. Increasingly, general medicine, via either managed care or large practice settings, is improving by collecting data through electronic records and refining practice based on what works. (Outcomes Quotes)
The single greatest business opportunity that is now emerging in the global marketplace is the ability to analyze digital log data to trace digital actions and from those traces to develop algorithms that can predict future outcomes with greater accuracy. (Outcomes Quotes)
Will capitalist economies operate at full employment in the absence of routine intervention? Certainly not. Do policy makers have the knowledge and ability to improve macroeconomic outcomes rather than make matters worse? Yes. (Outcomes Quotes)
The U.S. has the most dysfunctional healthcare system in the industrial world, has about twice the per capita costs, and some of the worst outcomes. It’s also the only privatized system. (Outcomes Quotes)
Flawless and faultless outcomes are not products of lawless and careless people. No lawless person is a genuine innovator. To your skillfulness, add good manners; to your willfulness, add carefulness! (Outcomes Quotes)
Old habits eat good intentions for lunch. Change your habits so you can change your outcomes. (Outcomes Quotes)
I know the rewards of focusing on innovation and outcomes as opposed to hours. I’ve been fortunate to work with brilliant entrepreneurs who didn’t have years of experience, and yet they changed the world. (Outcomes Quotes)
Physicians today, as human beings, are not exempt from the perverse economic pressures created by fee-for-service regimes to see more patients for shorter appointments and order more tests and procedures. If the incentives were changed to pay to foster better health outcomes, I am convinced physician behavior would change over time. (Outcomes Quotes)
Instead of the Government spending $400,000 on immunisation, we may get far better health outcomes if we spend $100,000 in some other way, on nutrition for example...When you have an expenditure on getting your community healthier, then the resistance to many childhood diseases is stronger. (Outcomes Quotes)
For the first time, the nation will have goals, benchmarks, and measureable outcomes that will help us tackle the childhood obesity epidemic one child, one family, and one community at a time, (Outcomes Quotes)
I am most interested in the outcomes at schools and school districts and ensuring that all kids are prepared for college and a career in the 21st-century job market. (Outcomes Quotes)
Angela Duckworth has shown how important grit and perseverance are to lifetime outcomes. College students who report that they finish whatever they begin have higher grades than their peers, even ones with higher SATs. (Outcomes Quotes)
There is a perception in our communities that we have low educational outcomes in low-income communities because kids aren’t motivated or families don’t care. We’ve discovered that is not the case. (Outcomes Quotes)
A conservative vision to tech issues assumes the imperfection of mankind and a preference for markets - not politics - to drive outcomes. (Outcomes Quotes)
Face your fear, empty yourself, trust your own voice, let go of control, have faith in outcomes, connect with a larger purpose, derive meaning from the struggle. (Outcomes Quotes)
Thrillers provide the reader with a safe escape into a dangerous world where the stakes are as high as can be imagined with unpredictable outcomes. It’s a perfect genre in which to explore hard issues of good and evil, a mirror that allows the reader to see both the good and not so good in themselves. (Outcomes Quotes)
I’ll always put policy ahead of politics and I think people expect that. They’re sick of the politics getting in the way of decent outcomes for people. (Outcomes Quotes)
The 20s are like the stem cell of human development: the pluripotent moment when any of several outcomes is possible. Decisions and actions during this time have lasting ramifications. (Outcomes Quotes)
Because mechanism designers do not generally know which outcomes are optimal in advance, they have to proceed more indirectly than simply prescribing outcomes by fiat; in particular, the mechanisms designed must generate the information needed as they are executed. (Outcomes Quotes)
She may hide it, but Clinton is a policy nerd. Ask about microfinance, and she’ll talk your ear off. Mention early childhood interventions, and she will gush about obscure details of a home visitation experiment in Elmira, N.Y., that dramatically improved child outcomes. (Outcomes Quotes)