Outer Quotes

Text Quotes
Happiness is not dependent upon outer circumstance. Happiness is falling in love with everything around you, everything inside of you (Outer Quotes)
When you see someone’s aura, it is an outer reflection of the subtle physical body. It is about the same shape as the physical body, although it can become thousands of things (Outer Quotes)
Beyond the astral dimensions are the causal dimensions. They are not spatial or time oriented. They are planes of light, and they make up the outer limits of nirvana (Outer Quotes)
Illumination in the outer world is to be happy no matter what is going on. In the inner world, it’s more ineffable. It’s harder to express (Outer Quotes)
It is through our technology that we have been able to fly far away from earth to learn, in truth, how precious it is. It is no coincidence that our awakening to the special nature of our world and to its uniquely balanced environment and its limitations coincided with our first glimpse of earth from outer space, through the eyes of astronauts, television cameras and photographic equipment (Outer Quotes)
The more deeply I search for the roots of the global environmental crisis, the more I am convinced that it is an outer manifestation of an inner crisis that is, for lack of a better word, spiritual... what other word describes the collection of values and assumptions that determine our basic understanding of how we fit into the universe? (Outer Quotes)
Your ability to still your mind through the process of meditation and inner reflection and outer change brings a stillness to the mind all the time, even in the midst of the busiest activities (Outer Quotes)
You will be reborn. You will come from the inner to the outer again. This process goes on indefinitely (Outer Quotes)
A child sees everything, looks straight at it, examines it, without any preconceived idea; most people, after they are about eleven or twelve, quite lose this power, they see everything through a few preconceived ideas which hang like a veil between them and the outer world (Outer Quotes)
Pay more attention to the silence than to the sounds. Paying attention to outer silence creates inner silence: the mind becomes still. A portal is opening up (Outer Quotes)
All of us can work for peace. We can work right where we are, right within ourselves, because the more peace we have within our own lives, the more we can reflect into the outer situation (Outer Quotes)
The universe is endless. Enlightenment is endless. You have only touched the outer periphery of the endless still center of perfect being (Outer Quotes)
Very often, in order to bring about stillness we have to be tirelessly active in the outer world. You might suppose this would agitate the mind. It will not, if it is the dharma (Outer Quotes)
Following dharma puts you in a proper field of attention. In a proper field of attention, regardless of what your outer circumstances are, happiness will flow (Outer Quotes)
Sometimes the way through someone’s tough outer shell is to do something obvious, thoughtful and sweet (Outer Quotes)
The first and most important thing is to remain free, free in each line you undertake, in your ideas and in your political action, in your moral conduct. The artist especially must remain free from all outer restraints (Outer Quotes)
If we would accept heaven’s life, we need by all means to live in the world and to participate in its duties and affairs. In this way, we accept a spiritual life by means of our moral and civic life; and there is no other way a spiritual life can be formed within us, no other way our spirits can be prepared for heaven. This is because living an inner life and not an outer life at the same time is like living in a house that has no foundation, that gradually either settles or develops gaping cracks or totters until it collapses (Outer Quotes)
Texture is most evident where dark meets light on the turning edge and at the outer edge. Experience has taught us to assume that the areas in between have similar features (Outer Quotes)
Whether men soar to outer space or dive to the bottom of the deepest ocean they will find themselves as they are, unchanged, because they will not have forgotten themselves nor remembered to exercise the charity of forgiveness (Outer Quotes)
We have little control over the outer weather patterns as we make our way through the landscape of a life. But we can become masters of the inner landscape. We can use what happens on the outside to change the way we function on the inside (Outer Quotes)
It is my experience that if a person practices self discovery with intent, they will be successful. Success is an outer sign that they are channeling energy correctly (Outer Quotes)
You need to constantly examine your life, inner and outer, to see where you are losing and gaining power (Outer Quotes)
We experience a body experiencing an outer world. But really, the experience of the outer world, as well as the experience of the body, are not happening in two different places (Outer Quotes)
... while the light burning within may have been divine, the outer case of the lamp was assuredly cheap enough (Outer Quotes)
An enlightened mind is not hoodwinked; it is not shut up in a gloomy prison till it thinks the walls of its dungeon the limits of the universe, and the reach of its own chain the outer verge of intelligence (Outer Quotes)
Writing is a combination of being alert to your outer surroundings and alive to your inner reality (Outer Quotes)
It was not the purpose of poetry to record anything and everything, to merely describe either the outer world or some subjective mood, but to speak from the imagination of the poet to the imagination of the reader (Outer Quotes)
Nirvana is the center of things; then there are the outer bandings of attention. The universe is a mind. At the center of its mind is nirvana (Outer Quotes)
The best bands kept making records and had this evolution, where by the end, by their commercial phase or sellout phase, the records are from outer space (Outer Quotes)
Gaiety is forgetfulness of the self, melancholy is memory of the self: in that state the soul feels all the power of its roots, nothing distracts it from its profound homeland and the look that it casts upon the outer world is gently dismayed (Outer Quotes)