Outside Quotes

Text Quotes
I lived in Wisconsin for a while, so I keep my eyes on the Packers. I grew up in San Diego, so there’s the Chargers, but outside of that, I’m really kind of lame because I don’t have a specific team I pull for (Outside Quotes)
But don’t think that it’s a system or a culture or a state or a person that does the letting down. It’s our expectations that let us down. It begins in the warmth of the womb and the discovery that it’s cold outside. But it’s not the cold’s fault that it’s cold (Outside Quotes)
Half of all kids in public education are below the poverty line. Two-thirds of the achievement gap comes from factors outside of school. Teachers influence about seven to ten percent of what happens in kids’ lives. When you think about those statistics, you have to think about how to re-envision education so it’s holistic and so we share responsibility (Outside Quotes)
Living there [Horse Mesa] was like living in a natural cathedral. Waking up every morning, you walked outside and looked down at the blue lake, then up at the sandstone cliffs--those awe-inspiring layers of red and yellow rock shaped over the millennia, with dozens of black-streaked crevices that temporarily became waterfalls after rainstorms (Outside Quotes)
I have a feeling Virtual Reality will further expose the conceit that ‘reality’ is a fact. It will provide another reminder of the seamless continuity between the world outside and the world within, delivering another major hit to the old fraud of objectivity. ‘Real,’ as Kevin Kelly put it, ‘is going to be one of the most relative words we’ll have.’ (Outside Quotes)
What can I do if everyone from the president to a junior bureaucrat is dying to convict me. If I am such a criminal, what was I doing outside jail before my marriage to Benazir? (Outside Quotes)
You have to [go outside your comfort zone]. Andy Warhol said ‘say yes to everything’ (Outside Quotes)
George Klein says that Elvis had five real friends outside of his circle, and I was blessed to be one of them. I spent a lot of time with Elvis in Vegas and at Graceland (Outside Quotes)
Many women assume they can’t be good mothers and have challenging careers at the same time, so they might give up trying to do both as they get to a crucial point in their career. Although it can be hard at times, it’s important for women to recognize the benefits of working outside the home (Outside Quotes)
A powerful tool in the early stages of developing scenarios is to pretend the interface is magic. If your persona has goals and the product has magical powers to meet them, how simple could the interaction be? This kind of thinking is useful to help designers look outside the box (Outside Quotes)
The key to good grilling is to recognize that you are setting yourself up to cook in a whole new environment. This is actually one of the main purposes of grilling - to get yourself outside (Outside Quotes)
Love is scary because it pulls you in with an intense force, a supermassive black hole which looks like nothing from the outside but from the inside challenges every reasonable thing you know. You lose yourself, like I lost myself, in the warmest of annihilations (Outside Quotes)
I realized that every moment in all our lives - past, present, future, known, unknown, and unknowable - exist simultaneously, as though outside of what we know as time. I became aware that I already was everything I was trying to attain, and I believe that’s true for everyone. All things that we perceive as positive, negative, good, or bad, are simply parts of the perfect, balanced Whole (Outside Quotes)
It has become harder and harder in the United States to make films unhampered by outside influences. I’ve always been able to steer clear of that and keep the business people out of my hair completely (Outside Quotes)
Fighting is spiritual. It appears to be physical from the layman’s eyes. In my fights, I seemed to be angry and mad - all that stuff you saw me doing, the yelling and screaming and being mean in the ring - but I’m cool as a cucumber. I can hear everybody talking around me outside of the ring. I can see everybody. I know what is going on (Outside Quotes)
History, as an entirety, could only exist in the eyes of an observer outside it and outside the world. History only exists, in the final analysis, for God (Outside Quotes)
I had no place in any coterie, or in any reciprocal self-advertising. I stood alone. I stood outside. I wanted only to learn. I wanted only to write better (Outside Quotes)
Even healthy families need outside sources of moral guidance to keep those tensions from imploding--and this means, among other things, a public philosophy of gender equality and concern for child welfare. When instead the larger culture aggrandizes wife beaters, degrades women or nods approvingly at child slappers, the family gets a little more dangerous for everyone, and so, inevitably, does the larger world (Outside Quotes)
We urgently need a debate about the best ways of supporting families in modern America, without blinders that prevent us from seeing the full extent of dependence and interdependence in American life. As long as we pretend that only poor or abnormal families need outside assistance, we will shortchange poor families, overcompensate rich ones, and fail to come up with effective policies for helping families in the middle (Outside Quotes)
Daily there have to be many troubles and trials in every house, city, and country. No station in life is free of suffering and pain, both from your own, like your wife or children or household help or subjects, and from the outside, from your neighbors and all sorts of accidental trouble (Outside Quotes)
[I] browsed far outside science in my reading and attended public lectures - Bertrand Russell, H. G. Wells, Huxley, and Shaw being my favorite speakers (Outside Quotes)
I simply constructed a project to try to snap Kurt [Cobain] out of a frame of mind. I sent him a plane ticket and a driver, and he tacked the plane ticket to the wall in the bedroom and the driver sat outside the house for 10 hours. Kurt wouldn’t come out and wouldn’t answer the phone (Outside Quotes)
You have to be able to feel like you can play way outside of the box. If you’re with a great filmmaker and someone you can trust, that’s encouraged, and Seth was that kind of filmmaker and co-star (Outside Quotes)
My motto in life is ‘Take risks;’ you don’t have a voice if you don’t. You have to venture outside your boundaries. That’s what life’s all about (Outside Quotes)
It’s a rough and tumble game whenever power is involved - people’s ambitions, their desires, their competitive spirit will often push them to play outside the rules. It’s dramatic, it’s interesting, and I think it’s something we can all identify with to a degree (Outside Quotes)
The song ‘Humiliation’ is kind of about what if, outside of a dinner party or something, I was blown up by a drone missile, out by the pool. What an embarrassing way to go (Outside Quotes)
My mistake was to project my skill beyond the limits of experience. I began investing outside the I began investing outside of the industries which I believe I thoroughly understood, in completely different spheres of activity; situations where I did not have comparable background knowledge (Outside Quotes)
I like old people when they have aged well. And old houses with an accumulation of sweet honest living in them are good. And the timelessness that only the passing of Time itself can give to objects both inside and outside the spirit is a continuing reassurance (Outside Quotes)
People in Parliament occupy themselves with private animosities and petty quarrels, and think little of the national interest. It is impossible to credit the serene indifference with which they consider events outside their own country (Outside Quotes)
Both parties are injured by what is going on at Washington. Both are, therefore, more and more disposed to look for candidates outside of that atmosphere (Outside Quotes)