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Outside Quotes

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I always remember my childhood house with happy memories. There was a beautiful garden, and outside my bedroom window was a jasmine vine which would open in the evenings, giving off a divine scent.  (Outside Quotes) In Kazahkstan, you would drive five hours outside the city to where roads sort of stop being roads, and it was just in the mountains and deathly quiet. And you could only really hear the clumping of the horses, and it was a sort of a beautiful silence. Like it enveloped you.  (Outside Quotes) It sounds really corny but I think that if you’re beautiful inside it shows on the outside, for sure.  (Outside Quotes) Find your inside beautyness. For me, being beautiful inside is more important that being beautiful outside. Make-up is so good for that because it helps to show your personality.  (Outside Quotes) I love being my age. I love getting older. What you lose in looks, you gain in wisdom. I might not be as physically beautiful on the outside today, but I’m much more beautiful on the inside. True beauty comes from inside...  (Outside Quotes) I feel most sexy when everything comes together! I like to maintain myself by going to the gym, I love the gym. I also feel most confident when I feel most beautiful inside - it shows on the outside! If I don’t feel like putting on makeup to leave the house, I just add a slick of lipstick to make myself feel sexy  (Outside Quotes) Beautiful is a person whose outside and inside world are in great concord, camaraderie and joint concert.  (Outside Quotes) Nobody can be so beautiful from the outside and so hollow from inside. Not even in a third-rate novel.  (Outside Quotes) I’d like someone who challenges me, someone who is more beautiful in the inside than they are on the outside.  (Outside Quotes) No matter how beautiful the outside may be, the inside still has feelings and needs that just words don’t fulfill.  (Outside Quotes) It may sound cliché, but when you feel beautiful and strong on the inside, it shows on the outside.  (Outside Quotes) Don’t judge from the outside. Like any beautiful rose has thorns... the more a person appears nice on the outside, the more you should doubt the inside.  (Outside Quotes) I think beauty comes from within. If you’re happy and look at life in the best way you can, even when there are problems, it can make you beautiful on the outside.  (Outside Quotes) I went through an extremely trying ordeal, but I never forgot the world outside was a beautiful place.  (Outside Quotes) Daniel! Luce said. He looks-Different and also precisely the same? Bill asked.Yes.That’s his soul you recognize. Regardless of how you two may look on the outside, you’ll alwaysknow each other’s souls.It hadn’t occurred to Luce until now how remarkable it was that she recognized Daniel in every life.Her soul found his. That’s ... beautiful.  (Outside Quotes) I lived for two years in Odawara, a castle town an hour outside of Tokyo, near the sea. It’s a beautiful place, and I drew on my experiences there when writing ‘The Lake of Dreams.’  (Outside Quotes) The thing I remember most about space is the view from the spacewalk. When I was inside the space shuttle and looking through the window, you can see the earth and the stars, and it’s very beautiful, but it’s like looking at an aquarium, sort of. When you go outside and spacewalk, you become a scuba diver.  (Outside Quotes) Beauty draws us in. We can’t stop looking or listening or touching. It takes us outside ourselves and it motivates us. It’s essential to life and to happiness.  (Outside Quotes) Don’t go outside your house to see flowers. My friend, don’t bother with that excursion. Inside your body there are flowers. One flower has a thousand petals. That will do for a place to sit. Sitting there you will have a glimpse of beauty inside the body and out of it, before gardens and after gardens.  (Outside Quotes) I’m in love with beauty and things and people and love and being in love, and those things, I think, on the inside, show on the outside.  (Outside Quotes) There’s a beauty on the inside of you - and it shows on the outside too  (Outside Quotes) Outside the store, beauty and mystery struggled to come together. Inside, they held hands, giggled to one another, and whispered secret messages.  (Outside Quotes) I, like many women, buy into patriarchal standards of beauty every day. I very rarely leave the house without make-up. I dye my hair. I wear clothes that I choose carefully for how they make me look to the outside world.  (Outside Quotes) I love to operate in a world that values things outside of beauty. It’s just more what I feel comfortable doing.  (Outside Quotes) Most urgently, women’s identity must be premised upon our ‘beauty’ so that we will remain vulnerable to outside approval, carrying the vital sensitive organ of self-esteem exposed to the air.  (Outside Quotes) What good is there in being blind, you ask? Well, maybe it’s to see the beauty on the inside without being vainly distracted, or superficially blinded, by the ugly on the outside.  (Outside Quotes) Beauty is everything and beauty is within, however, if you don’t feel good on the outside, then you will not look good.  (Outside Quotes) When we did the sign outside, we did not do the cigarette or the mug of beer because it was going to be outside. I wasn’t sure if the city would object.  (Outside Quotes) As I get older, I get smaller. I see other parts of the world I didn’t see before. Other points of view. I see outside myself more.  (Outside Quotes) In the beginning, when I was trying to write, I couldn’t turn off the outside world to the extent that I can now.  (Outside Quotes)
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