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Outside Quotes

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The perception of linked fate and that feeling of being always on the spot as a representative of the race, at least in mixed company, are features of African American life that predate affirmative action and arise outside of its presence.  (Outside Quotes) The biggest task in the morning is to try to keep my headspace from being invaded by the outside world.  (Outside Quotes) I didn’t go Hollywood on the outside with flashy cars, upstairs maids and mink-covered bathroom fixtures. I went Hollywood on the inside, and that’s worst of all. I tried to avoid being natural. I lowered my voice. I copied the mannerisms of other stars. I struck poses.  (Outside Quotes) To me, one of the things I love about being an actor is that it’s never done; it’s never perfect, and so it’s the process. It’s like practicing being okay with things not being perfect and things being outside of your control.  (Outside Quotes) We are no longer puppets being manipulated by outside powerful forces: we become the powerful force ourselves.  (Outside Quotes) I think it’s a part of us as human beings that we search outside of ourselves for meaning  (Outside Quotes) If you wear them outside, they stop being pyjamas. I wear mine to the mail box, which is right in front of my house - that’s my limit. Anything else is wrong.  (Outside Quotes) You get inspiration from craziest places. It’s just about being creative. You gotta step outside that box, you know what I’m saying, to reach the people. You never know who can feel it; who it can connect to.  (Outside Quotes) A movie is a mass consumption product. I have got no delusions about being niche. I don’t want to be niche. Though in the earlier part of my career I was into niche cinema, doing independent films - and I do have a revolutionary bent of mind - but you cannot make a change from outside; you have to be a part of it.  (Outside Quotes) It’s difficult to get your creative juices flowing if you’re always being practical, following rules, afraid to make mistakes, not looking into outside areas, or under the influence of any of the other mental locks.  (Outside Quotes) Being first outside the spacecraft would bring much more responsibility, and I really wasn’t looking for that.  (Outside Quotes) A human being is happiest and most successful when dedicated to a cause outside his own individual, selfish satisfaction.  (Outside Quotes) The Luminaries’ is such a different book to ‘The Rehearsal.’ There are only a couple of things that link the two books: there’s a certain preoccupation with looking at relationships from the outside, being shut out of human intimacy; and then there’s patterning.  (Outside Quotes) Working is bad enough in the winter, but in the summer it can become completely intolerable. Stuck in airless offices, every fibre of our being seems to cry out for freedom. We’re reminded of being stuck in double maths while the birds sing outside.  (Outside Quotes) People think I’m being stupid or false humble. It’s not. I don’t think I always fit in. Maybe it’s a complex you get as someone who has always been fighting on the outside.  (Outside Quotes) The world that you can go walk outside and walk around the block. That’s reality. The reality that’s being talked about is something else entirely.  (Outside Quotes) I don’t know if street art ever really works indoors. If you domesticate an animal, it goes from being wild and free to sterile, fat and sleepy. So maybe the art should stay outside.  (Outside Quotes) What [companies] are doing is they’re leaving our country, and they’re, believe it or not, leaving because taxes are too high and because some of them have lots of money outside of our country.  (Outside Quotes) I don’t believe in an outside agent that creates the world, then walks away. But I feel very strongly there is an intelligence at work in every flower, in every blade of grass, in every cell of my body. And it is that intelligence that, I wouldn’t say created the universe. It is creating the universe. It’s an ongoing process.  (Outside Quotes) Awakening is the ultimate of religion. Religion is, not really, in believing something outside of your being. It is not in believing or following some authoritative figure, the church, temple, organization or any ideological system of belief. Religion is trusting in what is eternal within you.  (Outside Quotes) The first movie I saw - and I don’t know if it influenced me - was Ben Hur. We watched it outside in a corn field, and it ran backwards, so the first movie I ever saw was Ben Hur backwards.  (Outside Quotes) I can’t imagine myself outside any kind of social or political involvement. Yes, I’m a writer, but I live in this world, and my writing doesn’t exist on a separate level. And if people know who I am and read my books, well, good; that way, if I have something more to say, then everyone benefits.  (Outside Quotes) We had the Berlin Wall; we had walls everywhere. But we always looked at the wall as kind of like the outside of the wall is the enemy. Are we looking at Mexico as the enemy? No, it’s not. These are our trading partners.  (Outside Quotes) My best friend is the most important girl, outside of family, to me. I met her when I went to college and we bonded immediately. I’d do anything for her at any time. We phone each other every day.  (Outside Quotes) Outside advice can only tell you how a decision looks. Only you can know how it feels. The best decisions look and feel right.  (Outside Quotes) I work out every day. It’s part of my life. That’s one of the benefits of having kids in school full-time. I do it more for my insides than my outside, but the outside gets a nice benefit, too. I feel like my mind is a little quieter when I exercise. And I don’t have the best family history heart-wise, so I really try to keep my heart strong.  (Outside Quotes) My cell phone is my best friend. It’s my lifeline to the outside world.  (Outside Quotes) Always take earplugs and an eye mask. It doesn’t matter where you are. Even if you’re in the best hotel, if there’s road works outside, then you’re screwed. So I take earplugs and an eye mask with me wherever I go.  (Outside Quotes) But, the best times I have found, in my life, are late at night or early in the morning and I think it’s because you’re outside the social realm.  (Outside Quotes) People ask me if I ever feel outside the Hollywood loop, and I never do, because both of us do a lot of theatre, so it’s great for New York and it’s also half-way between Europe and the west coast, so it’s the best of both worlds.  (Outside Quotes)
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