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Outside Quotes

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I had a very simple life growing up in the farm country outside of Perugia, and biscotti and warm milk with a tiny bit of coffee were a big part of my morning ritual before walking to school.  (Outside Quotes) There’s people outside our house; you get followed by photographers; you can’t go out and have a cup of coffee with a friend without someone coming up to you.  (Outside Quotes) Every single day the world seems like it is on the brink of falling apart. But then I look outside my window, and things look about the same as they did a week ago. It’s almost a form of cognitive dissonance.  (Outside Quotes) I know what it’s like to live in a cold climate. I grew up in the Snow Belt, north of Toronto in Canada, and I did years and years of running outside.  (Outside Quotes) That’s a tumor. It goes across my liver, up through my lungs, all the way around my heart. And when they were done trying to cut it out, nuke it out with radiation and chemotherapy it out, it left so much scar tissue that when I walk outside now in cold weather and take a deep breath, it feels like someone is stabbing me.  (Outside Quotes) If Its Cold Outside Then Let The World To See The Warmth of Your SMILE....  (Outside Quotes) Here’s something else to think about: calling when you say you’re going to is the very first brick in the house you are building of love and trust. If he can’t lay this one stupid brick down, you ain’t never gonna have a house baby, and it’s cold outside.  (Outside Quotes) I was a maid, so cleaning toilets wasn’t my favorite thing, but honestly, standing outside all day in the cold was worse.  (Outside Quotes) Large scale collective bargaining . . . is merely a seductive name for bilateral monopoly, and means either adjudication of conflicts in terms of power, or deadlock and stoppage, usually injuring outside people more than the immediate parties to the dispute.  (Outside Quotes) In college football, fans wallow in a culture of failure. Unless you root for Miami, you sadly wait for disaster to strike your team in a manner not seen outside of Fenway Park.  (Outside Quotes) Being at college, I think that’s the time when you really start searching for things outside yourself.  (Outside Quotes) As a songwriter, I do kind of look at ‘Santa Monica’ as a thing outside of itself, because it isn’t just my song. This is a song a lot of people tell me is a part of their high school or college years. That means a lot to me.  (Outside Quotes) It is okay to be yourself, it is okay to color outside the line if that is who you are  (Outside Quotes) If I feel anxious every time someone is staring at me, well, I can’t control what they stare at, but my reaction is, I’m just not going to go outside the house. I’m going to stay in and chill. And when I do go out, I understand what comes along with that.  (Outside Quotes) All thoughts, desires, conventions, attachments which come from outside must be ruthlessly pushed away.  (Outside Quotes) I’ve always been adventurous. In the summertime, my mom would lock me outside of the house and say, ‘Do something, and come back later.’  (Outside Quotes) As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal.  (Outside Quotes) I’ve always had an interest in doing something that was outside my comfort zone; I had this thing about standing on the edge of the cliff and deciding to jump.  (Outside Quotes) I don’t like being stagnant. I want to continue to grow and just be better at what I do, and the only way to do that is to keep stepping outside of your comfort zone.  (Outside Quotes) Be willing to step outside your comfort zone once in a while; take the risks in life that seem worth taking. The ride might not be as predictable if you’d just planted your feet and stayed put, but it will be a heck of a lot more interesting.  (Outside Quotes) A good portion of the things you want in life is outside your comfort zone  (Outside Quotes) Outside of my work as a comic book creator and co-publisher, I’m an avid gamer  (Outside Quotes) It seems so absurd to get really mad with a cartoonist over a comic strip. It’s sort of like getting in a fight with a circus clown outside your house. It’s not going to end well.  (Outside Quotes) If you’re writing a novel, you’re in a room for three or four years. There’s not much coming in from the outside.  (Outside Quotes) I’m coming up on 30. There are other things that I want to pursue outside of just performing  (Outside Quotes) It’s freeing, to think that there’s always an aspect of us outside the grasp of speech, the common stuff of language.  (Outside Quotes) China’s success lies on being a communist community within and a capitalist company outside  (Outside Quotes) In the final years of his life, when former Communist Party Chief Zhao Ziyang lived under house arrest, in Beijing, his aging friends resorted to donning white doctors’ coats in order to slip past the guards stationed outside his home.  (Outside Quotes) I grew very skeptical of certain kind of Jewish separatism in my youth. I mean, I saw the Jewish community was always with each other; they didn’t trust anybody outside. You’d bring someone home, and the first question was, ‘Are they Jewish, are they not Jewish?’  (Outside Quotes) I was born during the Depression in a little community just outside Waco, and I grew up listening to Franklin Roosevelt on the radio.  (Outside Quotes)
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