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When you’re writing you’re constantly fighting demons to sit down and do what you do. If you listen to the voices outside your head, in addition to the ones inside your head, you’ll never get anything done. There’s enough inner strife.  (Outside Quotes) Deadwood’ was just a wonderful opportunity for me. Outside of my own things that I’ve written, I hadn’t had the opportunity to play a character with that amount of depth and range.  (Outside Quotes) Generally, Iowans are Iowans no matter where you go. There are some different issues in Des Moines than in the real rural areas. But I haven’t seen any real difference outside of just local issues.  (Outside Quotes) Do work you love and are passionate about, look outside of the world of graphic design for inspiration.  (Outside Quotes) Because of the enormous responsibility, diabetic kids tend to grow up to be the most mature, most realistic people who have a natural desire to reach outside of themselves.  (Outside Quotes) My father taught me to love detective fiction writers such as Raymond Chandler. When I decided to have a hard-boiled detective series I did a lot of studying before I wrote the first book. I learned police procedure, the California criminal law, and many areas outside my expertise.  (Outside Quotes) I know what kind of things I myself have been irritated by in detective stories. They are often about one or two persons, but they don’t describe anything in the society outside.  (Outside Quotes) In Iran, as in all developing countries, they wanted to copy the outside world, without knowing what was good for our own country.  (Outside Quotes) I believe that without looking at each other as rivals or as competitors, in a democratic India, operating in the framework of an open economy, an open society has, I think, some significance for developing countries, not only in Asia but outside Asia.  (Outside Quotes) I mean I love my family very much, but there is a difference when you’re reuniting with your family outside of your hometown and reuniting in the family home.  (Outside Quotes) I think that the creative process, especially in the beginning of making an album, I’m feeling very fragile, so to speak, because you are trying out so many different ideas, and if you are listening to it from the outside, it would sound horrible!  (Outside Quotes) I can’t comment on any outside perception. I’m happy to come out and talk about movies that I’ve worked on in a setting like this. Otherwise, I have my own life that I live which is very different and private.  (Outside Quotes) You can talk about what you see from the outside; it’s hard to tell me who I am when you’re just looking at me with a football uniform on. That’s a totally different person. That’s my job, that’s it.  (Outside Quotes) Poetry is my cheap means of transportation. By the end of the poem the reader should be in a different place from where he started. I would like him to be slightly disoriented at the end, like I drove him outside of town at night and dropped him off in a cornfield.  (Outside Quotes) I’m naturally a personable person. I feel like figuring out ways to have my personality shine through outside of just a three minute song helped. I have layers, there are many different sides to Torae.  (Outside Quotes) I still love hockey. It’s just I’m at a different stage of my life and I think I’m just ready to grow in other ways outside of just being a hockey player.  (Outside Quotes) It’s very difficult to judge relationships from the outside. You never know what happens in intimate moments with two people to know why they really support and love each other.  (Outside Quotes) In cricket, my superhero is Sachin Tendulkar. He has always been my hero and will continue to remain so. Apart from him and outside cricket, my mother has remained my inspiration. Whatever difficult time I had faced, she was always there for me. She has given me all the strength. She maintained her composure and supported me in tough times.  (Outside Quotes) Journalists are quite surprised outside their dinner parties when they hear where I live. ‘Van Nuys? You still live there?’ It is like saying you’re from Alabama.  (Outside Quotes) We really didn’t have the option of being couch potatoes when I was growing up. There were only three television channels and the only kid’s programming was on Saturday morning. We always played outside until we could hear Mom calling us (not by cell phone but with her hands cupped around her mouth) that it was dinner time.  (Outside Quotes) It’s really hard to find just a simple character-driven drama, outside of a genre, that was available to direct, except for on TV.  (Outside Quotes) My inside self and my outside self used to match. A compass needle pointed true north. Now the needle spins around and around indicating the sad direction of nowhere.  (Outside Quotes) My parents had us very young. We lived in a modest house. We built forts, we hiked, we went camping and they wanted us to be independent. It’s how children grew up in the 1940s and 50s: outside all the time, playing in the dirt, riding your bike around.  (Outside Quotes) I have bougainvillea and a magnolia tree outside my window. Not that anything will ever beat the view I had from my desk window in my little farmhouse in Nebraska. Just a dirt road stretching out as far as you could see, with prairie grass on either side.  (Outside Quotes) I’m not really a computer guy. It’s like recess. I’d rather be outside getting dirty in the sandbox.  (Outside Quotes) If your insides are not well looked-after, then your outsides are going to suffer. It’s like a glass that’s not cleaned from the inside. Whatever you do to polish it from the outside, it’s still going to look dirty. So that’s the analogy.  (Outside Quotes) Kids will come into my boxing gym with no discipline, and then you teach them how to focus and love what they’re doing, which then travels outside into their home and work life.  (Outside Quotes) Human values are born with man. They are not got from outside. Man in his ignorance is not aware of these values. when man sheds his ignorance, he will experience his divine nature.  (Outside Quotes) I’m not someone who has had to deal with much personal drama outside of the usual: growing up with parents who hated each other, two marriages and divorces of my own. There was the cancer thing, too.  (Outside Quotes) This idea that the employment of women, the movement of women outside the home into the work world, and their demand for equality is somehow responsible for increasing juvenile delinquency or the increase in divorce rate, is just so much bullshit.  (Outside Quotes)
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